Posts Tagged: Suz Korb

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Guest post & Giveaway with Suz Korb

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As part of Zombies vs Unicorns month, Suz Korb, author of Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde is here today to educate us further on how to survive a zombie apocalypse. In particular, what NOT to do if you want to remain un-zombified. Oh and, there’s a giveaway too! 

Let’s first have a look at her book:

Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde 
(Bedeviled, # 1)
Suz Korb
Release date: November 20th, 2011

Goodreads / Purchase

Kidnapped by a vampire, epically farted on by a pug and dragged through the pits of Hell. Welcome to Eve Eden’s world in the small and strange town of Twin Forest.

Eve has goals. She has dreams and ambitions that don’t involve staying in this weird, podunk town. When supernatural forces collide and drop her into the heart of England, she’s not exactly pleased. When Eve said she wanted to get the heck out of dodge, she didn’t mean getting transported into a torture chamber inside the dungeon of an actual castle.

Damned souls rising from the depths of Hell. Her body’s sudden ability to heal quickly from wounds. Resisting her inexplicable attraction to a vampire who’s been sent to kill her. Can life get any worse for Eve? Apparently it can, because just around the corner at Twin Forest’s cemetery…

waits the zombie horde

Let’s now see what Suz says we should avoid during a zompocalypse.


Everyone knows what you should do during a zombie attack (wear a helmet, run away), but what about those instances when you’re facing off against the walking dead and a bad idea pops into your head? Don’t do it, is what! The following are common mistakes made by victims of zombie attacks. Don’t let those brain chomping living corpses get the better of you!

5. Never climb a tree to try and get away from pursuing zombs. Most zombies move slowly while their limbs and decrepit body parts fall off along the way, but some zombies are fast and can swiftly chase you up any tree. Fast zombies are so scary.

4. Don’t visit cemeteries. These are hotbeds for zombie risings. Your yearly visit to dearly departed Aunt Maude’s grave to put fresh flowers next to her tombstone can wait until the zombies have been defeated. Trust me, Aunt Maude won’t thank you for the flowers when she rises from her grave, but she’ll be happy to take your brains off you!

3. Never stop to tweet whilst under zombie attack. I shake my head in incredulity whenever I see twitpics of zombie attacks. You know the pic taker totally had their skulls zombie chomped straight after snapping the pic. Don’t be a twit. Don’t tweet during a zombie attack, just run away.

2. Looting. This might actually be an okay thing to do if you want to score some booty from the electronics shop at the mini mall during a zombie attack. Just make sure there are no zombies lying in wait inside the outdoor camping equipment store you mean to steal from. If you get your brains consumed by zombies jumping out of tent displays it serves you right for being a thief.

Zombified thief jailed

1. And the number one all time stupidest thing you should NEVER do during a zombie apolcalypse is to stop by a slaughter house during a zombie attack. The smell of harvested cow brains could rub off on you when visiting the gutting department. So basically when you leave said slaughter house, you’ll smell like a huge walking brain smorgasbord to hungry zombies. And you’re toast.

Suz Korb is offering one lucky zombie reading winner a free copy of her début novel Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde in any eReader format of your choice. To enter simply fill out the form below. Even if you’ve committed one of the attack fails in the above list and you’ve become a zombie yourself, you’re still eligible to win. This is a zombie-friendly contest, because everyone knows we’re safe in internet land as there’s no such thing as cyber brain chompings by the living dead, right?!

Now THIS, was awesome! Thanks so much for coming by for Zombies vs Unicorns month Suz!

 Suz’s Website / Goodreads

When Suz Korb was a teenager she wrote romance story after romance story. As an adult Suz enjoyed writing action adventure novels with a comedy twist. Now, Suz Korb writes romantic, supernatural young adult stories that are packed with action and giggles. Boom.

Suz is offering one ebook copy of Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde for giveaway
Open internationally
Giveaway ends February 23rd, 2012
Fill out form below to enter

Grab a button!

Winner will be chosen by random number generator and will have 48 hours to respond to email before a new winner is chosen
Duplicate entries will be deleted

WINNER IS: Melanie Lagace  

 *This post is a part of Zombies Vs. Unicorns month co-hosted with Literary Exploration, YA-Aholic and YA Bookmark.