Posts Tagged: The Winner’s Curse

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Epic Cover Battles #9: Pretty Dresses Edition

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Remember the pretty dresses trend? Remember all those pretty dresses on covers? Remember sometimes loving them and sometimes just being DONE with all the covers and the dresses? Well let’s battle some of them out! I chose 3 covers with pretty dresses and you should pick the cover with the dress that appeals most to you!

May the prettiest dress win!

Epic Cover Battles #9


Review: The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Review: The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Posted by on 02/21/2014 • 35 Comments

I was quite nervous going into The Winner’s Curse.  It was one that I was quick to request solely on that gorgeous cover, but upon getting it and looking into what it was about I didn’t think it would be for me.  I am happy to report that it worked incredibly well for me and ended up being a book that I was actually angry at for ending.  Fantasy is most definitely not my thing, especially when you mix that with a historical-like society, but this book was AWESOME.

The world of The Winner’s Curse isn’t the most upbeat of worlds.  There is a war that is leading to the Valorian people taking over most of the world.  Where we meet our MC Kestral is in the land that once…