Sunday, October 16, 2011

500 Followers Celebration!

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I’m incredibly excited to have reached 500 followers already and I have only been blogging for a bit over a month! It’s amazing! I have already made tons of new blogger friends that I adore and I’m completely in love with my new hobby. I hope that you’re all enjoying my blog and that it lives up to your expectations! 😉

To thank you all for being so awesome, I am throwing a GIVEAWAY!

Winner will choose a book from this top rated list:


Giveaway details:
Open Internationally (as long as The Book Depository ships to you)
Must be a GFC follower
Leave a comment with your GFC follower name and email address to enter.

Extra entries:
+1 if you follow me on Twitter @Giselleco
+1 if you like my Facebook page.
+1 if you tweet about my giveaway (you can do this daily) 
+3 if you add a link to my giveaway on your blog (post or button)
Leave me the links and user names in your comment. Giveaway ends November 13th, 2011 at 10pm AST.
Winner will be picked by random number generator.
Winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen.
I am not responsible for lost or damaged winnings.

Thank you so much for being a follower! And good luck!

Giveaway is now CLOSED. Winner announcement here

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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

Latest posts by Giselle (see all)

558 Responses to “500 Followers Celebration!”

  1. Lisa Austin

    First of all, congratulations on 500 followers!!!! Second of all, thanks for this awesome giveaway!

    GFC – Lisa Austin
    +1 Twitter – @Dizneeee
    +1 Facebook – Lisa Austin

    email – lisaaustin121 at gmail dot com

    Again, congrats and thanks!

  2. melissa

    deadly departed looks epic and how beautiful is the cover! congrats on all the awesome followers

    I follow!!!
    GFC – melissa
    FB – melissa portillo
    Twitter – mel_91284

    mel91284 at yahoo dot com

  3. elin

    Thank you for this giveaway!
    emilymeimei204 AT yahoo DOT com

    extra entries
    GFC as pinkflower
    twitter as pinkflower636
    fb as allie lin

  4. Nakoya

    Congrats on 500 followers. Thanks for the giveaway!

    GFC follower: Nakoya
    Twitter follower: AliasKnownYo
    Liked FB page: Nakoya Wilson

    alias.known.yo at gmail dot com

  5. Anna

    Eeeeep good stuff! Congrats on all the followers, you deserve them 🙂

    GFC: Anna
    Twitter: @literaryexplore

  6. Jacquelynne

    Wow! I am so happy you’ve reached 500 followers! Although you definitely deserve it! You have an amazing blog, and I absolutely adore your reviews! I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve added your blog button and give away button to my blog roll to spread the word of your awesomeness! lol. So here is the contest info:

    GFC: Jacquelynne
    +1 follow on twitter: @Book_Harlequin
    + 1 facebook follower: Jacquie Lennard (The Hardcover Harlequin Facebook Page)
    + 1 tweeted:!/Book_Harlequin/status/125780271697117184
    +3 Add link to blog (post or button): (On the right hand side)

  7. SweetMarie83

    500+ followers in just over a month?! That’s incredible – congratulations!! This is an awesome giveaway, I have quite a few of these books on my wish list, so it would be great to win one!

    I follow you on Twitter: @SweetMarie83
    Liked your FB page: Marie Landry
    Added button to my blog:
    =+5 extra entries 🙂


  8. Daisy

    Congrats on reaching 500 followers already!

    GFC name: Daisy
    e-mail addy: daisyjdebruin(at)gmail(dot)com

    +1 Follow on Twitter: @DBetweenpages

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  9. Tall Tales

    Love your choices of prizes! Hope we can talk books some time soon =) good luck with your giveaway!

    GFC : Big Books Tiny Voices
    +1 Twitter: @bbookstvoices

  10. Savannah

    Hey Giselle! Great blog! I have been meaning to stop but always got busy and forgot! Congrats on getting to 500 followers!!

    bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com

    Books With Bite

  11. Giada M

    Congrats and Thank you for this awesome giveaway! 😀

    +1 follow you on Twitter @hatshepsut0011
    +1 like your Facebook page. (Giada Mariani)

    GFC follower — Giada M.
    fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Eileen

    I’m now following you here, following you on twitter @thewisepenseuse, and I also tweeted the giveaway. I’m doing this on my phone, so can’t post the URL unfortunately. I also liked u on facebook!

  13. Maria Behar

    Hi, Giselle!!

    WOW!! CONGRATS ON REACHING 500 FOLLOWERS!!! (You already have more than 600 now, too!!)

    What a TERRIFIC giveaway!!! I’m entering, and hope to win “The Girl of Fire and Thorns”!!

    +1 GFC follower for a while now
    +1 I liked your FB page (Maria Behar) (I also have an FB page for my own blog)
    +3 I put your giveaway button on my blog’s sidebar
    Total entries: 5

    My email address:

    THANK YOU for this AMAZING giveaway!!!! WOOT, WOOT!!!! : )

  14. Flo

    Congratulations for the 500th followers! That’s amazing 🙂

    GFC: Flo
    Email: flavia.giul[@]
    +1 Twitter @flo83_6
    +1 Facebook (Flavia Giuliani)

  15. Juan Roca

    Congartulations on your 500+ followers!! Thanks a lot for the giveaway, and for making it international!!

    GFC – Juan Roca
    Email – juanma-98(at)hotmail(dot)com
    Twitter – @Jmrb98 (+1)
    Facebook – Juan Manuel Roca Benedek (+1)

    Geeks & Books

  16. buddyt

    Thanks for the giveaway and for popening it to International entries.

    I Follow via GFC – buddyt
    I Like your Facebook page – Neville Thompson

    Please enter me.

    I would love to win The Night Circus.


    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  17. Vinci

    Nice selection of books in the giveaway, thanks.
    WTG on your #’s
    follow by gfc – dayleb – vinc
    Like your blog on facebook as Dayle B.
    dayleb at telus dot net

  18. Janina

    Wow, congratulations! And now you’ve moved on to almost 800 followers already!

    I am a GFC follower (Janina Reads)
    and +1 liked your FB page (Janina Zet).

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. Anonymous

    Ok here we go 😉

    micheline_despres at hotmail dot com
    fb page like & twitter follower : MissMimz & tweeted about your giveway!

    ps congrats on all the followers!! page looks fancier every time I come by, looks great! 🙂

  20. Book Passion for Life

    Hey Giselle,

    Awesome giveaway and congrats on getting 500 followers!

    +1 GFC: Book Passion for Life
    +1 For Twitter: BookPforLofe
    +1 For Facebook: Donna’s Reviews
    +3 for Button:

    Thanks so much for the chance and congrats again, ~ Donna

  21. Diana

    I follow via GFC (Diana)
    +1) I “liked on Facebook (Diana Ault)
    +1) And I follow on twitter (@DianaAult)

    +2 total

  22. Natasha Areena

    Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Oh look you are reaching 800+ followers!

    GFC : Natasha Areena
    +1 Like Facebook page.-Natasha Areena

  23. Julianne

    Hi Giselle, Congrats on 500 followers!
    retweeted the giveaway notice and I follow you. (I’m @juliannewrites)
    Have a good day!

  24. Gabi

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway, and congrats on your blog’s success! You have great taste in books, these are all ones I’ve read and loved or want to read. :] I’m a new follower.
    GFC: Gabi

    teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

  25. Mandroid

    What a great giveaway! Congrats on all the followers!

    GFC – Mandroid
    Twitter – @workformandroid
    Facebook – Leslie Flynn

    workingforthemandroid at gmail dot com

  26. The Lovely Getaway

    +1 I’m a fairly new follower but I would love to be able to get my hands on THE DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONES 🙂 thanks so much for hosting the giveaway! I follow GFC The Lovely Getaway


    +1 follow on twitter @lovelygetaway
    +1 like your FB page via Lovely Getaway (Diana)

    total= 3