Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jenny Pox Second Anniversary Celebration!

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Jenny Pox is turning 2 today! I’m sure a lot of you will have heard of this fantastic series yet, but I read the first two books so far and it’s a great horror series that you absolutely must check out! I have JL Bryan dropping by with an Ashleigh-esque (the awesome love-to-hate villain) guest post. AND, you even get a chance to win a full set of Jenny Pox, Tommy Nightmare, and Alexander Death, autographed and inscribed to the winner!

Jenny Pox
J.L. Bryan
Series: The Paranormals, #1
Release date: July 22nd, 2010


Eighteen-year-old Jenny Morton has a horrific secret: her touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, the “Jenny pox.” She lives by a single rule: Never touch anyone. A lifetime of avoiding any physical contact with others has made her isolated and painfully lonely in her small rural town.

Then she meets the one boy she can touch. Jenny feels herself falling for Seth…but if she’s going to be with him, Jenny must learn to use the deadly pox inside her to confront his ruthless and manipulative girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.
* * *

Not recommended for readers under eighteen.

 Following books:

Tommy Nightmare
J.L. Bryan
Series: The Paranormals, #2
Release date: April 1st, 2011


While Fallen Oak recovers from the Jenny pox, someone new is hunting Jenny. Like Jenny, Ashleigh Goodling belonged to a pair of opposites with powers that mirror each other. Now Jenny and Seth must face the opposite of love…

Alexander Death
J.L. Bryan
Series: The Paranormals, #3
Release date: September 19th 2011


While Seth searches for Jenny, Dr. Heather Reynard of the CDC unravels Seth and Jenny’s secrets. Alexander opens Jenny’s mind to her deep past, and to the full horrific extent of her powers. Torn between her feelings for Alexander and Seth, and between her past lives and her present, Jenny must prepare to face her enemies in the final, catastrophic battle…

Guest post with J.L. Bryan

 Happy Birthday to Jenny Pox – and a major Jenny Pox announcement!

Today is the second anniversary of the publication of Jenny Pox!  And that makes it a great day to announce that there will be a fourth Jenny Pox book, something I wasn’t expecting.  It will be out this fall…details to follow in the near future!

At each stop, we’ll do a quick biography of one of the six paranormal characters from the series.  Exclusive for readers of Xpresso Reads, here’s an brief introduction to Ashleigh, a girl who seems sweet and lovely but is actually a wicked, manipulative monster.  Thanks for hosting, Giselle!

Who is Ashleigh?

Ashleigh Goodling is the preacher’s daughter at one of the town’s two churches. Cheerleader, student council president, valedictorian.  Her paranormal touch has a Cupid-like effect of making people feel love—love for her, or love for each other.  Her hobbies include creating conflict and controversy, amassing and wielding power, and destroying anyone who gets in her way, always pulling strings in the background so that she continues to look like an innocent angel.  Her goal in life is to become President of the United States, and she’s clearly on her way.

Ashleigh has the town wrapped around her little finger, except one person…Jenny.  Because of Jenny’s pox, Ashleigh can’t touch her, and so she can’t control her.  Ashleigh has always made Jenny’s life difficult, but now that her boyfriend Seth might be falling for Jenny, Ashleigh is ready to unleash hell…leaving Jenny no choice but to fight back.

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the Jenny Pox trailer:

The Jenny Pox ebook is currently free on Amazon, Smashwords, Apple, Sony, and Kobo, and cheap on Nook!


 JL Bryan’s Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on English Renaissance and Romantic literature. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He lives in Atlanta with his wife Christina, dogs Violet and Tiger Lily, and cats Shadow and Sue. 

Giveaway details
To celebrate Jenny’s birthday, and this exciting new announcement, JL Bryan is offering a giveaway of a full set of Jenny Pox, Tommy Nightmare, and Alexander Death, autographed and inscribed to the winner!

Must be 13 or older to enter
Open to US addresses only
Giveaway ends July 29th, 2012
Winner will be picked by

How to enter: Leave a comment! Make sure to include your email address.
ALSO, you can earn more entries by commenting on the other participating blogs’ celebration posts for a total of six entries!

Here are all the blog hosts and the paranormal character they’re featuring:


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    Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

    Latest posts by Giselle (see all)

    83 Responses to “Jenny Pox Second Anniversary Celebration!”

    1. Eileen

      This looks so awesome! 🙂 I have JL Bryan’s Fairy Metal Thunder series and I’m really liking it so far so this one sounds even more awesome! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway, too!

      eileenblog (at) yahoo (dot) com

    2. Christina K.

      The rapport between Jenny and Ashleigh sounds awesome!

      This series is on my wishlist – I’ve heard amazing things about it. I love how each character has a special ability!

      Thanks so much:)

      ccfioriole at gmail dot com

      @christinafiorio on twitter

    3. Amy

      I have the first two books in my nook and really need to read them!! How exciting that there will be a fourth book. I guess I better get reading! 😉


    4. Kelly

      That is a very freaky trailer!! I haven’t read anything scary in a long time. It would be nice to have romance mixed in!
      delivery.RN at gmail dot com

    5. Smash Attack!

      UM. Win! Ashleigh is truly a fantastic villain. She brought such crisis and evil to the books. I hate to love her.

      I adore this series something fierce and I would LOVE a hard copy set of the books.


    6. Shane

      Happy anniversary Jenny Pox! I’ve been meaning to get this series. Thanks for the giveaway!

      shanereads [at] yahoo [dot] com

    7. Elizabeth Barbarick

      Wow, this is an AMAZING giveaway! How exciting! I just finished Jenny Pox and it was so amazing! I love the gore and horror in this book! JL Bryan is an awesome author and I really hope I win this giveaway so I can continue this series.

      Happy second birthday Jenny!

      Much love,
      -Stuffed Shelves
      -Elizabeth (barbarick2415 @ me . com)

    8. Vivien

      Eeeee…..this is the best news I’ve heard today!!! I cannot wait for more debauchery that is this series 😉

      deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

    9. Katie Hensel

      Ashleigh straight up scares me. If I had to deal with a girl like her in high school I would have probably turned goth and went crazy… *shudders*

      hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu

    10. DeeDee Griffin

      I read Jenny Pox and Tommy Nightmare and loved them, even though that trailer gives me the creeps! I’m excited to read Alexander Death.
      deedee [at] grifmail [dot] com

    11. Michelle @ Book Briefs

      Happy anniversary Jenny pox! Thanks so much for sharing Giselle 🙂

      I have the first book on my kindle but I have not read it yet. I expect people to stone me for this or something because I have heard the most amazing things!

    12. M.A.D.

      Seriously, that trailer is beautifully creepy!!!
      Oooh la la, what I’d give to win this – thank you, Giselle and J.L. for such a sweet & generous giveaway <3 <3 <3

      GFC: Mary DeBorde (M.A.D.)
      zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com

    13. Beth

      Wow- thanks so much! This series looks cool and creepy, and I imagine the concept could go pretty far. I just heard about it for the first time last week, amazingly, but now I hear good things.

      Also, that trailer is awesome. 🙂

    14. erlessard

      I’ve been stalking your blog waiting for this post to come up because I’ve already checked out all the other blogs in this giveaway.

      And now I feel like such a crazed fan-girl.


    15. Kelly

      Would love to win the series. I have had this on my book shelf a long time and haven’t gotten to it! The trailer is seriously creepy!
      delivery.RN at gmail dot com

    16. Dalene @ A Date with a Book

      Excited to see all this hype. I’ve had Jenny Pox on my Kindle for a while and haven’t read it yet. Maybe I need to move it up in line. Exciting there’s more books to follow. Thanks for the giveaway as well 🙂 soccermombooknook (at) gmail (dot) com

    17. J.J. Bonds

      Oh, super creepy trailer! Which of course is completely appropriate. So excited to hear there will be a fourth book in this amazing series!

    18. Holly Bryan

      I love this anniversary celebration!!! I have Jenny Pox but would LOVE to have the whole set, and signed, no less! I’ve also got the first in the Fairy Metal Thunder series too :). I think the picture to go with the character of Ashleigh looks perfect…she sure does look like a sweet, adorable cheerleader, but you can kinda see a little evil glint in her eye… Love your blog, Giselle, you always have such great reviews and guests and tours and giveaways!

    19. Christina

      I’ve wanted to read these ever since you talked about how freaking much you love them. The cover for book two is completely horrifying! Eeks!

      cynicalsapphire at gmail dot com

    20. Giselle

      @Anonymous: Because this is not a YA book. It has violence, gore, drugs, sex, you name it. Thus it’s not recommended for under 18. (Like a rated R movie)

    21. Ashley

      I’ve heard a lot about this series (Ashley at The Bookish Brunette talks about it ALL the time :P) and have been interested in it for a while. I’d love to win a set!

      basicallyamazingbooks at gmail dot com