Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Epic Cover Battles #9: Pretty Dresses Edition

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Remember the pretty dresses trend? Remember all those pretty dresses on covers? Remember sometimes loving them and sometimes just being DONE with all the covers and the dresses? Well let’s battle some of them out! I chose 3 covers with pretty dresses and you should pick the cover with the dress that appeals most to you!

May the prettiest dress win!

Epic Cover Battles #9


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Rashika has been tired since 2013. There are very few things that spark joy for her besides a nice cup of tea, warm, baked goods, good books and good TV shows. She is here to pile onto your giant TBRs and to-watch lists. Offer her a cookie and she might be nice to you.

8 Responses to “Epic Cover Battles #9: Pretty Dresses Edition”

  1. Jordan @ForeverLostinLiterature

    I have to go with The Winner’s Curse – there’s just something I love about the top-view that just makes the entire dress so gorgeous. To be honest, I’m not normally an overly huge fan of dress-covers, but I really love the drama and design of this one; it’s just so effortless.

  2. Josephine

    This is so fun, I remember this trend! I love this idea you had of the book cover battles too. I’m a fan of slimmer, less puffy dresses so it really leaves no option for me to vote in it except Unearthly!

  3. Josephine

    This is so fun, I remember this trend! I love this idea you had of the book cover battles too. I’m a fan of slimmer, less puffy dresses so it really leaves no option for me to vote in it except Unearthly!

  4. Rachel

    I have to go with The Winner’s Curse, I love how they framed the picture and have her holding onto the words. And the dress is such a beautiful color!