1. Here We Are: Feminism For the Real World edited by Kelly Jensen

Here We Are is a phenomenal anthology and one everyone needs to add to their TBR. I mean the point of this post is to grow your TBR by making you add both the books on this book to your TBRs so I may be being a tad redundant in saying that but STILL. READ THIS FUCKING ANTHOLOGY. It’s wonderful. I’ve identified as a feminist for a long time but a lot of what I’ve seen around me has always been white feminism that seeks to exclude me. That doesn’t acknowledge that I am a human being. Reading this anthology was so reaffirming and made me feel like I was part of the narrative. I loved that it sought to include a large range of voices so that readers could get a better grasp of not just feminism but intersectional feminism. It’s hard to finish this anthology and not feel proud to be a feminist and feel a oneness with so many people. Just add it to your TBR because it’ll be 100% worth it. Just look at who is contributing AND FLAIL (AND READ.)
2. Flying Lessons & Other Stories edited by Ellen Oh

Flying Lessons is worth the buy whether or not you’re actually interested (which, why wouldn’t you be?) because all the money goes to a good cause: We Need Diverse Books! I am going to talk about two stories in particular in this mini-ish review because as a whole, the anthology is wonderful and I absolutely adored it but I thought I’d talk about two that impacted me in good and bad ways.
I truly enjoyed reading “Secret Samantha” by Tim Federle but some of the language in it was a little hurtful. There is a moment in the story when the teacher has to rename secret santa to something else because not everyone celebrates Christmas and there were lots of undertones of exasperation and some fun poked at it. Non-Christians are consistently written out of the narrative when it comes to holiday season and stories and such and its kind of upsetting that small (albeit clinical) attempts to be a little more inclusive are looked down upon. I am sorry I don’t celebrate Christmas???? IDK. Just something to think about I guess. I’ll stop rambling.
I am not sure if Flying Lessons by Soman Chainani was my fav just because ALL the stories are so wonderful and its hard to pick but I felt it deep down. The story opens up with a kid and his nani doing a trip across Europe and his general angst as one does. My fav thing about the story was just seeing the word nani in it. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but for most of the year, I don’t really get to communicate to people in Hindi and just seeing that word made me feel a little bit at home (and made me miss MY nani. I want some cute gmma cuddles RN.)
My one qualm aside, THIS ANTHOLOGY is truly wonderful and truly worth the read. Please don’t miss out on all the wonderful gems of stories in it.
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I CANNOT WAIT TO READ HERE WE ARE BECAUSE OMG SO EXCITED. And I am very happy to hear that there is intersectionality and not just white feminism. I was honestly afraid that would be the case.
And then I have never heard of Flying Lessons. Burning question though. If the book goes to a good cause, why is that one story sucky? Why?
It is especially unfortunate because the story itself was A+ minus that one thing