4 Anticipated Sequels That Will Make it Even Easier for Me to Say Bye to 2017
Posted by Rashika • 4 Comments
2017 has been an absolute garbage year not just on a political level but like a personal level (for me at least.) Back in 2016, I was so excited to bid the year adieu and yet here we are, again. I am not particularly looking forward to 2018 because wow, what a scary path ahead of us, but there are some books coming out that I’ve been waiting for since before I was born and I just wanted to scream about them for a little bit to make myself feel a little bit more pumped to bid this year GOODBYE.
1. Trouble Never Sleeps by Stephanie Tromly
I’ve been waiting for this book since 2016 and its unfair that I still have to waitttt. If you haven’t read this series, its very Sherlock-y with lots of banter and you SHOULD read these books.
2. Blood of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza
Empress of a Thousand Skies was one of the few books that won a 5 star rating from me this year. It also happened to have ended on a very high note and I just really want the sequel, okay???? Someone needs to give it to me.
3. Third Book in the Lady Helen Series by Alison Goodman
I cannot believe I am going to have to wait until later in 2018 for the OTP that made me create an OTP of pain shelf on my GR. I am probably not going to survive the wait. I HURT. SOMEONE JUST GIVE ME THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW???
4. What Lies Between You and Me by Courtney Milan
OMFG. I JUST WANT TO BE REUNITED WITH ADAM, MY 55 YO SON and I JUST WANT TO READ HIS STORY. I already passed away as a result of my anticipation.