5 Books I Am Thankful For
Posted by Rashika • 3 Comments
Happy Thanksgiving Guys!!!!!!!! Long time no see?? I just finished my last finals of undergrad so it’s definitely been a busy time for me but I am home now and have more time to spend blogging. I don’t necessarily celebrate Thanksgiving but (its tragic history aside) I do like taking a moment to reflect on the various things I am grateful for this year. Right now, I am extremely grateful to all my friends without whom I am not sure I would have survived the year. I am, as always, thankful to my fam and books. So without further ado, here is a list of 5 books I am grateful exist.
1. American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

I feel like, at some point, people are just going to get tired of my obsession with American Born Chinese but they can SUCK IT because I LOVE this graphic novel and I am going to forever be grateful to ABC for making me feel seen and heard.
2. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

To be fair, if it were up to me, I would have just made this “ALL OF MARCHETTA” instead of one specific book but I think that would be unfair. Jellicoe Road is (I think???) my fav Marchetta but it is also the book that INTRODUCED me to Marchetta so it will always have a special place in my heart.
3. The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Idk if this book would have made the list even a week ago but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and just how captivating it is. Goldman, with The Princess Bride achieved something that is unique and awe-inspiring. I don’t know if will ever read a book quite like it again in my lifetime and I am grateful that Goldman wrote it. I am also probably due for a re-read right about now.
4. A Ring of Endless Light by Madeleine L’Engle

This is actually a book I don’t think I talk about all that often but when I was a little baby (like 12 years old), A Ring of Endless Light changed my life. It was written a couple decades ago but still holds up really well. I wish more people would appreciate the quaint, revolutionary nature of this book but I am still just glad it was written and I was able to read it when I needed it in my life.
5. Chachaji’s Cup by Uma Krishnaswami

I accidentally discovered this book while I was doing a collection development project for work earlier this year and once I read the synopsis, I knew I needed to get my hands on the book. It was absolutely, 110% worth it and kind of moved me to tears??? There are so few books written about the partition already (and fewer that aren’t written from a western perspective) so it was just really refreshing to read this.