Posts Tagged: Global Warming

Thursday, January 26, 2017

5 Books + Documentaries ‘About’ Climate Change

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1. The Carbon Diaries 2015 by Saci Lloyd

I read this series back when I was a little bb8 but it was SO good and interesting. It imagines a futuristic (or maybe not so futuristic) world where carbon needs to be rationed because of the extreme effects of climate change. Written in a diary format and has a diverse cast (if I remember correctly.)

2. Firestorm by David Klass

Another futuristic world where a chosen one has to travel through time to save the world from the dire consequences of climate change. I read it ages ago but remember devouring this trilogy and loving it.

3. Not A Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis

Set in a world where water is incredibly limited. The MCs family fights to protect their one source of water and the book seems to have a lot of survival-lit vibes.

4. Orleans by Sherri L. Smith

#ownvoices book featuring an MC of African descent. Book takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that has been shattered by heavy storms and disease.

5. Love in the Time of Global Warming by Francesca Lia Block

Set in a world that has been torn apart by global warming and an MC that is guided in her search for her family by a tattered copy of The Odyssey. Features diverse characters.


**put together with the help of my Environmental Studies Professor**

1. An Inconvenient Truth

This is probably the obvious one and one I grew up watching but keep in mind it won’t inspire much hope. One of my profs biggest criticisms of it was that the documentary did not provide any solutions.

2. The 11th Hour

Almost a decade old as well but has Leo DiCaprio

3. Before the Flood

Another Leo DiCaprio one. He gifted this one to Ivanka Trump too because he is fab like that. It came out end of last year and has received some glowing reviews.

4. Chasing Ice

I actually watched this one too and would highly recommend. It is a terrifying to see how much the ice caps have changed over the course of just our lifetimes. Also on Netflix.

5. Six Degrees Could Change the World


HAS ALEC BALDWIN IN IT. Also a little bit more scientific than the others but worth the watch according to my prof. I am definitely gonna be watching it either way.


If you want more recs please feel free to ask! I have a larger list for both documentaries & books. Also feel free to share some of your own recs in the comments 🙂