Posts Tagged: Sharon M. Draper

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (49)

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Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. 
My pick this week:


Sharon M. Draper
Release date: March 12th 2013
by Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Diamond knows not to get into a car with a stranger.

But what if the stranger is well-dressed and handsome? On his way to meet his wife and daughter? And casting a movie that very night—a movie in need of a star dancer? What then?

Then Diamond might make the wrong decision.

It’s a nightmare come true: Diamond Landers has been kidnapped. She was at the mall with a friend, alone for only a few brief minutes—and now she’s being held captive, forced to endure horrors beyond what she ever could have dreamed, while her family and friends experience their own torments and wait desperately for any bit of news.

I know it’s weird and morbid, but I love stories about kidnappings (and murders, and zombies, any kind of horrific situation :D). There’s something fascinating about it. I’m always curious to know what happens in those situations, but also creeped out and morbidly afraid of this happening in real life to someone I know. Also, this cover, it just calls to me!

What are you waiting on?
Link me up! 🙂