Girl of Nightmares
Release date: 2012
Anna Dressed in Blood synopsis. (Girl of Nightmares synopsis not yet available.)
Cas Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.
So did his father before him, until he was gruesomely murdered by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father’s mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. Together they follow legends and local lore, trying to keep up with the murderous dead—keeping pesky things like the future and friends at bay.
When they arrive in a new town in search of a ghost the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas doesn’t expect anything outside of the ordinary: track, hunt, kill. What he finds instead is a girl entangled in curses and rage, a ghost like he’s never faced before. She still wears the dress she wore on the day of her brutal murder in 1958: once white, now stained red and dripping with blood. Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian she used to call home.
But she, for whatever reason, spares Cas’s life.
How incredibly fantastic is this cover? Anna Dressed in Blood’s cover was great, but this one is just amazing! When I saw the cover reveal I couldn’t resist using it for one of my Halloween WoWs. There is no release date for this puppy yet but I think we’re all hoping it will be out very soon! I can’t wait to read more about Cas and Anna. If you haven’t read Anna yet, the first in the series, I really recommend it!
Click here for my review of Anna Dressed in Blood.
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Kathy Ann Coleman
No, I haven’t read that yet and I want to. I might just have to order it or get it for my kindle. Might make a great Halloween night read while I eat pizza and hand out candy to little kids. 🙂
Mocha ღ Latte(Cupcake and a Latte)
Anna Dressed in Blood was FANTASTIC! Can’t wait for Girl of Nightmares.
MY W.O.W:http://mochalattereads.blogspot.com/2011/10/waiting-on-wednesday28.html
–Wendy from A Cupcake and a Latte: YA Reviews
Alison Can Read
I really need to read Anna Dressed in Blood. Hopefully I can get to it in the next few weeks.
The cover is beautiful. I haven’t even gotten to Anna Dressed in Blood! But I’ll get to it eventually. Nice pick =)
Mateja @ Lost Without Books
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood, but so many people absolutely loved it. And the covers for this series are seriously gorgeous 🙂
I am CRAZY excited for Girl of Nightmares! The title alone is all kinds of awesome. And I love the fiery background of the cover. Cannot flipping wait to see what Kendare brings us in the sequel! <3
Sarah Brown
I really want to read this series, the covers are gorgeous,
I love your blog so I became a follower.
I haven’t read Anna yet, but I am so excited too! This looks amazing! Thanks for stopping by my WOW:)
I loved Anna Dressed in Blood and when I saw this cover, I was just..WANT! It’s so gorgeous. I can’t wait to see when it’s coming out, even though I’m horribly sure we’ll have to wait months. 🙁
Carina Olsen
This is one of the books I am most awaiting. <3 I absoulutely adored Anna Dressed in Blood 😀 And I just love the cover of this book.
Thank you for commenting on my WoW 😀
Love, Carina
The cover of this and the first book is to die for and I heard the most amazing things about Anna Dressed In Blood that’s why I put it on my wishlist! Great choice 😉
Natalia Belikov @ DazzlingReads
My dear Giselle! I love your pick soooooo much! =D
I cant wait for this book! I love the cover even more than the previcous one huhuhuhu! did you notice it has the same colors of my blog? bloody gorgeous XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol
thanks for stopping by muah! ^.^
Happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeey! =D
Let's Evaluate
I hadn’t heard of this before but it sounds really good. And the cover is definitely intriguing. 😀 Great pick!
Thanks for stopping by my WoW!
Erin @ Let’s Evaluate
I have the first book, but I’ve yet to read it. Great WoW pick! I really love your blog. One question though, how did you get the latest reviews thing on your homepage?? I’ve been looking for it for a while and really don’t know where people get it :S Thanks and great pick once again!
Confessions of a Readaholic
I have yet to read Anna. It’s one of those books I have on my shelf that I have yet to get to. This cover is gorgeous though!
Thanks for all the comments. It’s a perfect Halloween read if you haven’t read Anna yet!
And iLuvReadingTooMuch: What do you mean recent reviews? I have an archive which is all my reviews, I don’t have anything showing my recent ones. I think blogger has a widget that shows your recent posts, though.
I just love, love, LOVE this cover! I saw it, I think I saw last week. Either way, great choice for WoW!!
Thanks for sharing and commenting on ours!
Well I haven’t read Anna yet, but ofc I’m going to, and this cover is AWESOME. Can’t wait 🙂 Great choice!!
My WoW
I love that you did a Halloween WoW. “Anna Dressed in Blood” is a good one– looking forward to
Girl of Nightmares.”
Dani @ Refracted Light
I really,REALLY need to read Anna Dressed in Blood. Like really badly. The covers to both of these books are awesomely creepy! Great pick and thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂
Danica Page
I haven’t read either of these books yet. However, your post makes me want to read theses now. I’ll have to add them to the list. I typically don’t read ghost books, but these two caught my attention. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for commenting on my W.O.W post.
Sounds like an interesting book.
The cover is beautifull.
Thnx for stopping by my blog.
Wow! I had no idea that Anna Dressed in Blood was a series! Although I haven’t read it yet and its been in my TBR pile forever! lol. I am definitely going to have to check it out 🙂 The cover is very fitting of a halloween choice! Absolutely fabulous!! 🙂
Great pick, do love the cover too. Thanks for visiting. Love your blog layout. New follower 🙂
Liz. R
Definitely a creepy cover! I still haven’t read Anna yet, but I really want to! Great pick :).
Yes! I loved Anna Dressed in Blood, so I cannot wait for this one to come out.
Nose in a Book
A Backwards Story
In case you don’t see my response: I hope you enjoy FIRE! I didn’t like it as much as GRACELING, but still enjoyed it a lot!
I really like the way your blog is set up. How did you do that revolving header?
I love the cover for GIRL OF NIGHTMARES. I featured it Mon for Cover Crazy!
Great idea to have a Halloween edition of WoW! I’m going to keep these in mind for next October’s book club reading. BTW, I agree about the cover…very nice! Thanks for stopping by my WoW!
Amber Elise
I did not know that this existed! O.O Thanks so much, now I have to add it to my TBR!
Broche Fabian
Thanks for posting on my blog! New follower here. Have you read the Elemental Assassin books by Jennifer Estep? I would recommend checking those out – definitely kick ass!
Broche Fabian: No I haven’t read it but you aren’t the first to recommend it!
A Backwards Story: Do you mean on the top? That’s just a slideshow gallery that I use to showcase my top reviews.
Unabridged Bookshelf
I love this cover. I have not read Anna Dressed In Blood, yet! I really want to start Anna, because this book looks so awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for stopping by my WoW today.
I love this cover!
Haven’t read Anna dressed in blood yet, but I will. And if only to pick up this book 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I loved Anna Dressed in Blood, and I’m looking forward to this one as well! Great pick!
Thanks for stopping by my WoW 🙂
Traci @ The Reading Geek
Thanks for stopping by. Great pick, I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet but it is on my list. I love the cover for this one too!
I love this cover. I’m looking forward to Anna Dressed In Blood.
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet, but I really want to! Maybe for Halloween 🙂
Michelle Madow
Good, creepy Halloween cover! Nice pick 🙂
I’m waiting for this one as well, of course! The first book was pretty good. ^_^ And this cover is gorgeous! 😀
Book Crook Liza
I haven’t read the first one yet! I really need to! I really am loving this cover though! I like it even better than than Anna Dressed in Bloods cover. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my WoW!
Liza @ Book Crook Liza
The Book Faerie
Great choice! This cover is just gorgeous!!
Happy reading 🙂
My WoW:http://thebookfaerie.blogspot.com/2011/10/waiting-on-wednesday-7_18.html
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet but I have it! I’ll probably read it next. I love both of the covers! Great WoW.
My WoW
Eli Squared
I have to get crackin on Anna Dressed in Blood, because the second book looks amazing!
Thanks for stopping by my WOW post. And since you’ve never read his books, if you liked 13 Reasons Why then you’ll like John Green. I’d start with Looking for Alaska!
Gah! I haven’t even read Anna yet! That is a gorgeous book. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for stopping by The Bookish babes!
This will definitely be my pick if I’ve read Anna Dressed in Blood already! Love the cover tho! Haunting…
Laura (All of Everything)
I’ve heard only great things about Anna Dressed in Blood, so I’ll have to read it!
Ooo! love your idea of a Haloween inspired WOW for the rest of the month! 😀 Great pick btw this is on my tbr I can’t wait to get started on the series! 🙂
Hm. Haven’t heard of this one yet. Looks pretty interesting. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Livin’ Life Through Books
Amanda @Stuck In YA Books
I cant wait for this either!
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood, but I’m definitely eager for it.
A Backwards Story
Yeah, on top. I haven’t seen that before! Did you design it yourself or copy a code from somewhere..? So fun!
T.V and Book Addict
I have heard amazing things about Anna Dressed in Blood. I’m extremely curious. I had no idea it was even a part of a series. I must check it out asap. Knowing me though, it’ll probably be a while because I’m so crazy when it comes to series. I feel like I have to wait till all of the books are out before I begin.
June G
I haven’t read the first book, but this sure makes me want to.. This is the first time I really paid attention to what the book is about. Super choice!
Tiffany Drew
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet but I want to desperately! It will be one of the next books I buy, I need to get my hands on it!
Thank you for stopping by Book Cover Justice!
This cover is just stunning! Awesome pick 🙂
Anna Dressed in Blood has been in my TBR pile for a while, but I just haven’t gotten to it yet! So many books, so little time! I can’t wait to read it though!
Thanks for stoping by our WoW earlier!
Audrey (Bibliosaurus Text)
We definitely are on the same wave-length with this one! I wish it were out now so I could read it as soon as I finish Anna Dressed in Blood.
Lindsay Cummings author
cannot WAIT for this one! the first book is awesome!!!!
i follow you here! 🙂 stop by my blog and let me know what you think of my pick? There’s also a giveaway on my author group’s blog for some signed books!
Oooh! I really want to read this one, and Anna! The covers are just gorgeous!
Michael/Bookshelf Reviewer
Is this the sequel book for Anna Dressed in Blood? The cover does look really good, can’t wait to read them. =] Thanks for visiting my WoW. =]
Wow. You couldn’t have picked a better book to feature. I’m impressed. 🙂
Although I seem to remember that that description refers to Anna Dressed in Blood. But still the cover’s really gorgeous! ^_^
Reply to Giselle: I mean the slideshow thing at the top of your homepage displaying some reviews. That’s very cool 🙂 Just wondering where you got it…
Thanks for the previous reply!
Little Miss Becky : )
I loved the first book, so this is going to be high on my wishlist for next year!! I hope it won’t be a whole year that we have to wait since the first one just recently came out!
Ayanami Faerudo
I haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood yet. Still languishing in the TBR pile. But I agree with you that cover is like O_O, pops straight to me. It also helped that red is my favorite color.
Thanks for stopping by. ^_^
Books For All Seasons
Dear Giselle,
Very nice cover. It looks interesting and haunting. Great for Halloween. The book sounds very intriguing. Thank you for sharing! Also, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. 🙂
Best wishes,
The slideshow is from John Designs. I took the code and made some adjustments to fit my blog.
I still have to read Anna Dressed in Blood so I didn’t read the summary just in case it’s too revealing. But I REALLY want to read this series. The cover of book #2 is really awesome.
Thanks for sharing, and thank you for stopping by my WoW post!
Erika @ One A Day Y.A.
Thank you for stopping by. I haven’t read Anna Dressed in blood yet, but I will before the sequel! New follower 🙂
I still haven’t read Anna Dressed in Blood, but I lover the sounds of these books and the covers are gorgeous with a hint of creepy!
Thanks for coming by! I’m dying to read Anna Dressed In Blood myself, so it’s great to know there’s going to be a sequel;)
Felicia @ A Novel Paradise