Yearly Archives:: 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

Review: The Repossession by Sam Hawksmoor

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The Repossession
Sam Hawksmoor
Series: Repossession #1
Publication date: March 1st 2012
by Hodder Children’s Books

34 kids missing. Vanished without a trace.

Believing she is possessed, Genie Magee’s mother has imprisoned her all summer encouraged by the sinister Reverend Schneider. Beautiful Rian, love of her life, sets her free, and their escape washes them up at Marshall’s remote farmhouse downriver. But why are there newspaper clippings of the missing kids pinned to Marshall’s bathroom wall? And should they believe his stories about the experiments at the Fortress, an underground research station nearby?

Genie meets Denis. Missing two years now, but hasn’t grown an inch. Rian is haunted by Renée, who insists she’s not actually dead. Soon they discover the terrible truth about Reverend Schneider and worse, Genie is next … and Rian can’t do a thing to prevent it.

The Repossession is just the beginning.

*A copy was provided by Hachette Children’s Books UK for review purposes*

With all the “same ol'” books I’ve read this year, it’s wonderfully refreshing to come by true originality once in a while. Unlike anything I’ve read before, The Repossession is one of them. Science fiction in its true form, Sam has written an especially believable, fascinating read, but also one that is quite horrifying when you really stop to think about it. It’s mind-blowing in a lot of ways; it makes my skin crawl to even imagine it. It’s one of those books that are very long, but even after 500 pages, you’re sad that it’s over. The lengthy journey is not without activity at all times, even when there’s nothing happening; when we’re not in the thick of things, the fantastic character development turns these characters and their relationships into something that you want to read. You want to know more about them, see them grow and connect, and see them change into these intelligent individuals who are finding out what secrets lurk in their creepy little out-of-the-way town.

Going into this book, you don’t really know what to expect. The synopsis is very vague which is great as it lets the mystery simmer. The mystery which ranges from creepy to spine-chilling, is one that every science fiction nerd will definitely be devouring. It’s one that makes you think of the repercussions or such an occurrence. Obviously, I’m being vague for the same reason as the blurb, it’s best if you know nothing ahead of time and you get to learn of the town’s freakishly dark side along with the characters.

Speaking of characters, this book has such incredible character development. We have two main characters who develop a very unique, though also very realistic, relationship. They’re brought together by unusual circumstances and their damaged upbringing, into a relationship that is a true portrayal of young love. It’s not dramatic, nor extravagant, it simply is–like real life. Individually, I found myself warming up to both of them immediately. The book is very character oriented, we get to know these people in and out; personalities that manifest distinctly, clear reasoning behind actions–even though they may not always make the best decisions–, compelling voices, likeability, this is exactly what character development should be, always. Even parts where nothing much is happening other than staying hidden and living kept my interest as much as any action packed sequence. Part of the reason is the suspense; the constant slow simmering suspense that leaves you at the edge of your seat, not knowing what to expect whatsoever, but knowing it’s coming, and that it’s going to be freaky!

If you like science fiction, don’t even doubt it, this book is for you! Plus, look! It’s a book in blue!

4 Hot Espressos

Happy New Year 2013 Giveaway

Posted by on 12/31/2012 • 31 Comments

I told you this weekend would be great in giveaways, huh? 😉 What better way to start New Years with a bang! Thanks to I Am A reader, Not A Writer, and Babs Book Bistro, I am participating in another giveaway hop this holiday season to celebrate 2013!

Dude! I survived the end of the world! It’s the least I can do!

What’s up for grabs? One book of choice at The Book Depository up to a value of 10$.  Open Internationally as long as TBD ships to you (is your country on the list? Click here) Giveaway ends on January 7th, 2013

Use the Rafflecopter below to enter

This giveaway was made possible by The Book Depository affiliate program. Help support future giveaways by using the link…

Top Cuddles of 2012 Giveaway Hop

Posted by on 12/30/2012 • 38 Comments

What other way to start the New Year than a giveaway hosted by some of my fav bloggers over at Cuddlebuggery!

Once you’re done entering the giveaway on this post, make sure to stop by the other blogs in the linky for more chances to win!

What’s up for grabs:

One lucky winner can chose an Xpresso Reads Favorite, or an Xpresso Reads Upcoming Cartwheel Inducer:

*If the book shown is part of a series, the winner may choose a previous book in the series instead.*

Xpresso Reads 2012 Favorites Choices:

 Xpresso Reads’ 2013 Upcoming Cartwheel Inducers Choices:

Giveaway is open internationallyEnds January 5th, 2013 Use the Rafflecopter below to entera Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to check out all the stops on this hop!CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL…

Xpresso Weekly: Stacking the Shelves (36)

Posted by on 12/30/2012 • 34 Comments

Xpresso Weekly is my edition of Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews featuring the books I got this week, and I also mention blog news/happenings of the past week. This week at Xpresso Reads

The last post of 2012, lovelies! So exciting! And a new year means a new Xpresso Reads! Stay tuned very shortly for that! 😉 It’s been pretty quiet review wise lately due to the holidays. I posted my DNF review madness and a few great giveaways are going live this weekend so get ready, folks!


-Blog Tour: Root Bound by Tanya Karen Gough -Blog Tour: Barbie Girl by Heidi Acosta -Blog Tour: There Comes A Prophet by David Litwack-Book Blitz: Obscura Burning by Suzanne van Rooyen-Book Blitz:…

Fresh Batch (December 30th – January 5th)

Posted by on 12/29/2012 • 13 Comments

Exclusively titled for Xpresso Reads, Fresh Batch features the hottest releases of this upcoming week.

Flavor of the week:

Teeth Hannah Moskowitz Publication date: January 1st 2013by Simon Pulse

A gritty, romantic modern fairy tale from the author of Break and Gone, Gone, Gone.Be careful what you believe in.

Rudy’s life is flipped upside-down when his family moves to a remote island in a last attempt to save his sick younger brother. With nothing to do but worry, Rudy sinks deeper and deeper into loneliness and lies awake at night listening to the screams of the ocean beneath his family’s rickety house.

Then he meets Diana, who makes him wonder what he even knows about love, and Teeth, who makes him question what he knows about anything. Rudy…

2012 DNF Madness [Part 2]

Posted by on 12/28/2012 • 35 Comments

Welcome to part 2 of 2012 DNF Madness. If you missed part 1, it was posted just yesterday, here! 😉 

The Glimpse Claire Merle Publication date: June 7th 2012by Faber & Faber

In a near future, society is segregated according to whether people are genetically disposed to mental illness. 17-year-old Ana has been living the privileged life of a Pure due to an error in her DNA test. When the authorities find out, she faces banishment from her safe Community, a fate only thwarted by the fact that she has already been promised to Pure-boy Jasper Taurell.

Jasper is from a rich and influential family and despite Ana’s condition, wants to be with her. The authorities grant Ana a tentative reprieve. If she is joined to Jasper before her…

2012 DNF Madness [Part 1]

Posted by on 12/27/2012 • 49 Comments

Yes, sometimes books are so awful that I do not finish them. I used to refuse to leave a book unfinished, but then I realized how crazy I was to keep reading something I hated. However, as I usually read at least 50-70%, I still gather more than enough to have an opinion on it. This DNF madness event–which I gather will be at least 2 or 3 parts long, will showcase books that, unfortunately, took hours of my life that I will never get back. As these are simply reasons, or ramblings, on why I did not finish the book, they will not be up to par–in length and quality (hours of my life!!)–with my usual full length reviews. You might consider them… fleeting warnings.  

Nobody Jennifer Lynn…

Xpresso Weekly: Stacking the Shelves (35)

Posted by on 12/23/2012 • 39 Comments

Xpresso Weekly is my edition of Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews featuring the books I got this week, and I also mention blog news/happenings of the past week. This week at Xpresso Reads

Ooh the holidays, how I love thee! I can’t believe it’s already Christmas! It’s so exciting! I can’t wait to see my kid open his presents! 🙂 I hope you all have a fantabulous week, and just a quick note that Xpresso Reads will be going on holiday as well so you won’t see new posts until the 26th or 27th–depending how much I ate. Before you go, make sure to get some extra entries for the 2 giveaways still open on the blog! They end soon!

Reviews on the blog this week: