Posts Tagged: ARC

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Review: Lost in Texas (The Living Dead Boy #2) by Rhiannon Frater

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I received this book for free from Rhiannon Frater in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Lost in Texas (The Living Dead Boy #2) by Rhiannon FraterLost in Texas by Rhiannon Frater
on October25th 2016
Genres: Horror, Middle-Grade
Source: Rhiannon Frater
Buy on Amazon

In the zombie apocalypse, no one is safe. Not even children. That’s what twelve-year-old Josh and his friends in the Zombie Hunters Club discovered when the undead invaded their school in The Living Dead Boy.

Now, Josh and the remaining Zombie Hunters are stuck on a city bus traveling across zombie-infested Texas. With fires burning on the horizon, mass evacuations underway, zombies roaming the countryside, and in-fighting among the adults on the bus creating tension, Josh has never felt so helpless. Despite his father’s insistence that the adults can handle the situation, Josh knows far too well from watching zombie movies that one person can put everyone else at risk.

To his absolute horror, he’s right and he and his friends are running for their lives.

Josh may have always considered himself a zombie hunter, but now he’ll have to prove it to escape the ravenous undead and lead his friends to safety.

As you are all probably aware, I love Rhiannon Frater. She writes amazing books with in depth characters, and tons of suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. This follow up to the first book was no exception. The book may be short, but it packs a punch. Right from the start there is a tension about things. The looming threat of zombies, and the people around about to snap from fear and feeling trapped. I flew through this book simply because I had to. I couldn’t stop until I knew the outcome of it.

Josh is back of course and he is undoubtably one tough kid. Yes, he’s scared, but he has seen enough horror movies to know the things that will make you become zombie snacks. He is very much calm and collected most of the time, and is for sure someone I would want to be leading me through the zombie apocalypse. He runs into his fair share of trouble when things go really wrong at a pit stop at a truck stop, but he manages to get through with the help of his friends. the ones he has left anyways. He also makes a few others who are pretty aweome.

What I love the most about this series is it is told in such a realistic way. How everyone acts and the things they feel seem very real. It’s an easy book to get lost in and feel like you are really part of it. This may be a middle grade book, but it is full of creepiness. The descriptiveness is on point and the plot flows quickly and smoothy. I can’t wait for the next installment of this series to find out what happens next.


4.5 Hot Espressos

Review: 738 Days by Stacey Kade

Posted by on 06/07/2016 • 4 Comments

It’s been so long since I’ve read a book that completely hooked me and wouldn’t let go. I am so glad that I picked this one up to read because it reminded me of how much I love getting absorbed in a book and nothing can stop me from putting it down. The characters were so complex and amazing, and the story was interesting to read. I needed to know what would happen next and how their relationship would progress. This book gave me all the feels and I had many tears of happiness, and of heartbreak. I felt like I really knew the characters and what was happening to them took a toll on my emotions.

I will start with Amanda Grace. My heart broke for her so much,…

Review: Suffer Love by Ashley Herring Blake

Posted by on 06/02/2016 • 3 Comments

I read this book a while ago, but have been totally slacking on actually writing reviews. I’m sure that you all have noticed. I am going to try to do my best with this since I get hazy on details if I wait to long. I really did like the characters, and I thought they had good chemistry. I haven’t been reading a whole lot lately, but I have been really into contemporary novels and this one was one I did enjoy.

Hadley is a bit of a rough character. Her father cheated on her mom, but they are still together, but it’s not really a happy place. Her mother tries to make her father as annoyed an uncomfortable as possible, and he tries to act like it’s all okay….

Blog Tour: The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas – Review

Posted by on 04/22/2016 • 3 Comments

This was one of those rare books that actually stumped me until almost the very end. I am usually very good at figuring out a mystery and what is really going on, but this one kept me second guessing myself the whole time. It was fantastic and held my attention the whole time. The characters were great, and the emotional impact was spot on. It was a bit slow moving at times, especially to start, but it really helped build things up. One of the major things I noticed (and loved) was that there was no romance thrown in. It wasn’t necessary and it would have taken away from the story.

Tessa has had a very rough childhood. Her father is in jail, and her sister and mom have abandoned…

Review: Nightstruck by Jenna Black

Posted by on 03/17/2016 • 4 Comments

This book was creepy and dark and very enjoyable for the most part. I did feel like there was a whole lot of waiting going on and things weren’t really moving forward, but there was always plenty going on. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense. What I mean is there is all sorts of creepy, crazy things happening even when the story didn’t seem to be moving forward that fast. I did feel like I wasn’t really sure what was going on, but since this is a start to a series I am assuming that we we get more information in the next ones. I think that it is a great start to a series and am interested to continue with it and see where things go….

Blog Tour: Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood by Liesl Shurtliff – Review

Posted by on 03/11/2016 • 4 Comments


Hello everyone!! I am honored to be participating in this huge blog tour for Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood. I adore fairy tales and I love retellings, so naturally I had to take part. This tour has been running for about a month and there is plenty more to come. You can refer to the tour schedule that will be at the end of this post. Don’t forget to check out the other stops for really great guest posts and fun things! For my post I am doing a review of this book.

This book was all sorts of fun. The characters were fantastic and the storyline was great. There was a bit of mystery to it as well as magic (of course), friendships, and adventure….

Review: Titans by Victoria Scott

Posted by on 02/11/2016 • 10 Comments

You know when you start reading a book and you are just pulled into it and want to devour it? Yeah, this was one of those. I loved just about everything about it. The underlying story is sad and bleak, but the main part of it is thrilling and full of adventure. This book is fast paced and keeps your heart racing along with the characters. And the best part is, there’s not really romance in it. There’s no need for it and it would have taken away from the story and I am glad that the author didn’t feel the need to throw it in there. The characters are fabulous and I really enjoyed getting to know them. The Titans were so interesting and I couldn’t help but want…

Blog Tour: Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum – Review

Posted by on 01/30/2016 • 4 Comments

Hello and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Tell Me Three Things!! I adored this book. It was just one of those books that makes you feel good. It’s not all fluff and rainbows and all that cute stuff though. There is a lot of depth to it, and things that aren’t quite so easy for the characters, but in the end it’s a book that just made me happy. I loved Jessie getting to know Somebody Nobody. I had a pretty good idea of who it was from the start, but I did keep wondering throughout if I was right. And man did it throw me for a loop at times. Anyways, I liked the honesty in the messages that they sent to each other and…