Monday, April 02, 2012

Cover Reveal: Astarte’s Wrath & Fairy Blues

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Astarte’s Wrath

Trisha Wolfe
Series: Kythan Guardians #0.5
Release date: July, 2012

A Kythan Guardians Novella

Two thousand years before Dez Harkly developed her secret powers, Kythan Astarte vowed to free the Kythans from the binds that enslaved them to the Egyptian pharaohs and sorcerers. Discover the prophecy that originated from a very different time, and spans generations to link two very different girls…This is the beginning.

Set against the backdrop of the Battle of Actium, in the city of Alexandria, Star struggles with her guardian duties as her feelings for the newly named pharaoh of Egypt grow deeper. Not only is Caesarian her duty, he’s the son of Cleopatra, and he’s…human. All of which makes their love forbidden.

But when a conspiracy linked to Caesar, Caesarian’s own father, creeps its ways into Alexandria, Star must choose between helping her fellow Kythans free themselves of their servitude, or protecting her charge—the last pharaoh—while Egypt burns around her.


Whenever the sky bleeds, covering the once-blue pallet with crimson, and the bright ball of fire burns through billowy puffs of white, staining them and the earth in hues of red-orange and amber…and ash floats on a non-existent breeze, I know the Narcolym Guardians are waging a battle.
            Shuttering my window, I unloose the hemp thread, and a sheer curtain veils the sand-covered horizon from my vision. My fingers trail the cream fabric, the tips tracing the darkening clouds against the light material as my other hand curls into a fist by my thigh, dousing the swirling vortex rising up at the charge in the air.
            Astarte, I correct inwardly, but pinch my lips closed. “Yes, Habi?”
            Habi’s footsteps echo throughout the mud-brick room as he approaches. “It’s time…”

Kythan Guardians so far:

Fairy Blues
J.L. Bryan
Series: Songs of Magic, #2
Release date: January 20th, 2012

Goodreads / Purchase

The sequel to Fairy Metal Thunder.

With their enchanted instruments charming the crowds, the Assorted Zebras attract interest from record producers, and soon they’re off to cut their first album and music video. Jason and his friends don’t know they’ve just become pawns in a sinister plot by a cabal of evil fairies…

Meanwhile, Aoide and her band pursue a new strategy for regaining their stolen instruments, one that will take them into the most haunted region in Faerie.

About the cover

Fairy Blues depicts Rhodia, a fairy musician in a band (they prefer “troupe”) whose instruments are stolen by human teenagers, who go on to fame and fortune as rock stars while the fairy troupe falls into poverty, unable to earn a living. Rhodia keeps her instrument in the form of a silver harp most of the time, but it can shapeshift into any string instrument. Infused with the power of water elementals, the harp’s music reaches into the depths of the listener’s heart. Rhodia herself is the sort of fairy who enjoys shopping for the latest fashions at Pick-A-Lily Circus (a major covered market in Faerie), getting her hair braided by the hummingbirds at the spa park, and flirting with the tall and the handsome at the trendiest dance halls in her hometown of Sidhe City. The band’s troubled quest to recover their instruments, taking them on a great adventure far from home, into places without a single decent nectar cafe or foot salon, does not amuse her. (Second book in the series.)

Old cover vs New cover:

Ok first, Astarte’s Wrath’s cover is gorgeous. I love the colors, the girl is incredibly pretty and her bangs are totally rocksauce! If you haven’t read Destiny’s Fire, you should it’s a great steampunk novel – my review can be found here.

Second, the Songs of Magic series by J.L. Bryan got a completely new design by PhatPuppyArt which I absolutely love! Make sure you go check the other 2 covers on the blogs below because they are stunning! Unfortunately, Fairy Metal Thunder is exclusive to paperback and Kindle until May 23. If you don’t have a Kindle and would like to read it sooner, you can use a free Kindle app for almost any device… Or you can enter the flash giveaway (details below)!

For the other redesigned covers in the Songs of Magic series, visit:
The Bookish Brunette for Fairy Metal Thunder (Book 1)
Between the Pages for Fairystruck (Book3)

FLASH GIVEAWAY: The first ten comments on each of the three blogs today will win an ebook copy of Fairy Metal Thunder with the hot new cover! If you missed your chance here, head on over to the other blogs NOW! Be sure to include your email or Twitter in your comment so we can send it!

So what do you think, guys? Leave us your thoughts! 

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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

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28 Responses to “Cover Reveal: Astarte’s Wrath & Fairy Blues”

  1. Celine

    WOW! Those covers are AMAZING. I definitely need to read those books and add them to my TBR!

    Email: celine8olivia(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thank you so much for the FLASH GIVEAWAY! <3

  2. speculatef

    Ah I saw the cover of Astarte’s Wrath and thought it was gorgeous! I really like, and of course the new covers of the Songs of Magic series.

    Great covers – I can see why you were so excited.

    speculatef at hotmail dot com

  3. Alba

    speechless….Fairy Blues new cover is just………..kamsdbvjwrefvkljn rkvj vkwmvkdlmvcwefvc
    yeap…that sums it up pretty well!
    Astarte’s cover!! LOVING IT!!! I love the dark colors!!!!!!


  4. Novels On The Run

    Jiizelle aka Giselle if you know you have trouble pronunciating her name…like I didn’t…me..nope…I knew how to pronunciate it..hehe!! Oh wow!! Love these covers!! I do like the Fairy Blues one…I like photo type images a bit more apposed to cartoonyish style…just me I know. Sooo looovely!! I have Jenny Pox to read, just tapping my foot waiting for Mother’s Day to hopefully get errr…. surprised…with my Kindle…I am Kindle..less….sad I know….an IPAD would be better, but a fat chance I will get that..anyhoo…love the covers, must read me some J L and I haven’t yet read any Trisha. So lots to do by the look of it:D jiizelle…got it!! pfft these people ( not looking in mirror) who don’t know how to pronounce…bah..bah.haa!!


  5. Amy

    Love the covers!! The covers for the Songs of Magic series are so awesome!! I have had Fairy Metal Thunder for a while, but still haven’t read it. Need to read it soon.