Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (43)

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Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. 
My pick this week:

Revolution 19

Gregg Rosenblum
Release date: January 8th, 2013
by Harper Teen

Twenty years ago, the robots designed to fight our wars abandoned the battlefields. Then they turned their weapons on us.

Nick, Kevin, and Cass have spent their whole lives in a community in the wilderness, hiding out from the robots that have enslaved mankind. But when the bots discover their location, they barely make it out alive — only to discover that their home has been destroyed and everyone killed or captured. Now, the siblings must risk everything to save the only people they have left in the world.

Wowza! This sounds wildly exciting and that cover is seriously awesome! Someone on Goodreads said “Reminiscent of Terminator” and I have to agree! Yep!! 😀

What are you waiting on?
Link me up! 🙂

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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

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70 Responses to “Waiting on Wednesday (43)”

  1. Aylee

    Awesome, definitely adding this one to my tbr too now, thanks! You always manage to come up with something for your WOW that I’ve never heard of and yet sounds sooo good. I love sci fi!

  2. Renae McKenzie

    I was total thinking the same thing when I read the blurb – but I loved the Terminator, so anything reminiscent of it sounds good to me! I really love the cover too. I have this thing with eyes and the one on this looks awesome!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

  3. Little Miss Becky

    OOOh, I saw this one in the Harper catalog—looks really amazing! I love the cover, too!

    (p.s…so jealous that you are currently reading Alice in Zombieland!! How is it so far??)

  4. Julie

    I for one, welcome our robot overlords.

    This sounds like a really scary book and very plausible. Electronics glitch all the time.

    The cover is chilling.

  5. Kimberly

    I hadn’t seen that one before – it sounds awesome! I am a huge Terminator fan, so this is for sure going on my TBR list! Thanks for introducing it to me! 🙂

    My WoW

  6. Mel - Thedailyprophecy.

    The cover has something intruiging and creepy! I like it 😀 And I love the blurb. Robots turning against us. In a far away future, I could see it happen too :p It sounds exciting, thanks! I’m going to add it to GR right away.

  7. Jasprit

    Every Wednesday I’m always eagerly anticipating your wow post and you never disappoint! This sounds fantastic! I’m off to add it to my tbr! 🙂

  8. Alexa

    Ooh, this sounds really good! I hadn’t heard of it before, but definitely cannot wait to check it out now. Siblings? Robots? I’m SO there.

  9. Keertana

    I’ve never heard of this book before Giselle, but it sounds fantastic! I’ll definitely have to add it to my TBR-Shelf! Thanks for introducing me to this new and intriguing pick!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  10. Annabelle Marie Veronica

    Awesome choice, Giselle! My favorite part about your WoWs is that usually they are awesome books that I hadn’t heard of or hadn’t paid much attention to. This one sounds fun and suspenseful! I also love the cover an the detailing of the eye.

    My WoW

  11. Lindsay

    I hadn’t heard of this before, and it does sound like Terminator. And I so want to suggest a plot twist based on the summary but I won’t. 😉

    Lindsay | Me on Books WoW #85

  12. Neyra

    Giselle, you always find the best YA Books!! >.< Lol I really love the cover for this one and the synopsis has me hooked already! xD I'll be adding this one to my ever-growing-tbr list! thank you! 😀

    My Wow.

    Neyra @DarkestAddictions

  13. Christina

    I just found this one on Goodreads like yesterday, and it sounds SO AWESOME. All of the dystopias. I want ALL OF THE DYSTOPIAS!!!! BWAHAHAHA!