Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (61)

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Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. 
My pick this week:


Lauren Miller
Release date: May 14th 2013
 by HarperTeen

Abby Barnes had a plan. Get into a great college, major in journalism, and land a dream job at a major newspaper. But on the eve of her 18th birthday, she is stuck on a Hollywood movie set, wishing she could rewind her life. The next morning, she’s in a dorm room at Yale, with no memory of how she got there. A cosmic collision of parallel universes has left Abby living a new reality every time parallel Abby makes a decision. Now Abby must race against time to take control of her fate without losing sight of who she is, the boy who might just be her soul mate, and the destiny that’s finally in reach.

If done right, this could be really cool! Parallel universes are fascinating and I’m always up for a huge mind-boggle!

What did you pick this week?
Link me up! 🙂

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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

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39 Responses to “Waiting on Wednesday (61)”

  1. Jen (A Reading Daydreamer)

    This one sounds really exciting! The only other parallel universe story I’ve read before is DON’T YOU WISH, and that one was a cute light read. I’m really stoked for this one to come out, I’d like to know how the plot is going to be done. Great pick, Giselle!

  2. Megan K.

    What a coincidence! My WoW pick is PARALLEL, too! As they say: Great minds think alike. 😉 Really looking forward to this one, and I agree – if done right, this would be AMAZING.

    Great pick, Giselle!

  3. Christina

    This sounds so awesome! And I love the cover. Also, I like that it’s set in college, because that doesn’t happen often, although I’m sure people will want to call it *shudders* “new adult.”

  4. Jenni @ Alluring Reads

    Yes, a good mind boggle (I like how you were so clean about that phrase) is always welcome! This one sounds really good and I like the cover a lot. There is something about white being the primary color that really makes it stand out on the shelf. Great pick!

  5. Amy

    Hehe!! This is scheduled for my WoW in two weeks I think. (look at me scheduling ahead!!) It sounds really good. I have a thing for parallel universe books so I am really looking forward to this one.

  6. Kristin @ My ParaHangover

    I think my brain just exploded. I almost think with a big publisher, there has to be some good execution, no? It can’t possibly be an epic fail! I guess we’ll have to see… I’ll have to start doing brain exercises in preparation and lay off the smut books 🙂

    Great find!!!

  7. Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed

    I love this one. Basically all those Harper Teen covers that were released two weeks ago, I want them ALL! I like books that have to do with time travel etc. and this one looks awesome.I wonder if it’s a light funny read or a paranormal one…