Monday, April 02, 2018

What I’ve Been Reading: March Update

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It seems like 2018 is now shaping up to be a pretty shitty year for me so like, I’ve been behind on everything and not in the mood to do anything except sit around and mope. I would say something more optimistic but like I am not an optimistic person in general, lol. But I’ve been rewatched old favs as a pick-me-up which has been helping a little. March was a decent month for reading and I REALLY hit my backlist TBR hard.

Only four sequels this month but I technically finished two series so HELL YEAH.


It was really great revisiting a series I read back in the day and this time, the books really lived up to my expectations. However, with time comes awareness and I also realized some of the problematic nature of the books and wrote to the author about it, lol. Beneath the Sugar Sky was technically the last book in the series but now we’re getting MORE BOOKS SO YAY.

I read 8 books, 8 WHOLE BOOKS off of my backlist tbr. Where is my medal?



My favorite out of all of these was The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You. I couldn’t stop reading and am sad it is over but I guess that means I get to read more books by the author!!! Brown Girl Dreaming was also noteworthy and I really really really want a sequel, which is definitely not something I say a lot about non-fic books. The nice thing is that unlike my previous backlist reading ventures, I actually like 7/8 of these books???? WHICH IS A LOT.

These are published (and recently published) books I’ve read this year that have under 200 ratings on Goodreads and deserve more love!


The Night Diary is the only book I’ve rated five stars this year, I think?? SO. YES. READ IT. To be fair, I’ve done a could 4.5 stars but The Night Diary means the WORLD to me and I want people to read it.

What have you been reading this month? Anything you loved I should definitely check out?

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Rashika has been tired since 2013. There are very few things that spark joy for her besides a nice cup of tea, warm, baked goods, good books and good TV shows. She is here to pile onto your giant TBRs and to-watch lists. Offer her a cookie and she might be nice to you.
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