Posts Tagged: On Blog Tours

Friday, February 12, 2016

On Blog Tours

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There has been a lot of discussion in the community about blog tours and I am here today to add my two cents to the conversation.

So. Blog tours. I really like them, but I understand what people mean when they say blog tours are filler posts. The thing is though, it really isn’t as simple as that (or at least in my opinion.) I think blog tours can also be really creative especially when hosts are allowed to have a bigger part in their posts.

Also, a lot of my blog tour posts tend to be review posts (especially in my experience) so in that way, they really aren’t that much different from regular blog posts and are just a way of getting a large amount of reviews for promotion purposes.

But admittedly, after being asked to do review after review for blog tours I get tired because I like being able to express my creativity when sharing blog tour posts. A while ago, I got to do a “Would You Rather” post with an author and it was so much fun because I got the chance to come up with questions that didn’t just make me laugh but ones I really wanted to know the answer to. It was so much fun to do and let me engage with the author in such a fun way. I have also seen blog tour posts where people get to come up with cool mood boards and fun text message conversations with characters from the books AND THOSE ARE SO AWESOME TOO.

I think the key to having fantastic blog tour posts is allowing the person who is posting to become involved in the process. I know one time, I was asked to do a guest post and didn’t even have the chance to come up with a question. I had one assigned to me and that made me a little upset because that made the blog tour post I took so much time and effort to set up feel like a generic filler post, something I couldn’t personalize and really make my own.

That’s basically where I think blog tours could be better. I think blog tours are such a fantastic opportunity for all of us to creatively showcase/promote a book in ways that aren’t reviews. I think they should be FUN instead of an obligation and just another fun way for book pushing. 

How do you feel about blog tours? Do you think they can be good? What different things would you like to see in terms of blog tours?