Posts Tagged: Weather Witch

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sneak Peak Mini Tour: Weather Witch

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Shannon Delany’s debut series (13 TO LIFE) has concluded and a new steampunk series called WEATHER WITCH (also with St. Martin’s Press) launches June 25, 2013 and is already available for pre-order. Delany warns that this series is darker and grittier than 13 TO LIFE, although still YA and still with romantic elements and she’s asked a small group of us to share her cover and Prologue AND provide a way YOU can win some things.

Weather Witch
Shannon Delany
Publication date: June 25th 2013
by St. Martin’s Griffin


In a vastly different and darker Philadelphia of 1844, steam power has been repressed, war threatens from deep, dark waters, and one young lady of high social standing is expecting a surprise at her seventeenth birthday party–but certainly not the one she gets!

Jordan Astraea, who has lived out all of her life in Philadelphia’s most exclusive neighborhood, is preparing to celebrate her birthday with friends, family and all the extravagance they might muster. The young man who is most often her dashing companion, Rowen Burchette, has told her a surprise awaits her and her best friend, Catrina Hollindale, wouldn’t miss this night for all the world!

But storm clouds are gathering and threatening to do far more than dampen her party plans because someone in the Astraea household has committed the greatest of social sins by Harboring a Weather Witch.

 Prologue (Part TWO–read part one at Beneath the Cover)
Holgate, Pennsylvania

The door groaned open, hinges protesting as a man not even a half decade Marion’s senior — perhaps all of twenty-two — stepped onto the flat rooftop, briefly admiring the view beyond them. “You can see clear across the lake and the valley from here, you know? On days such as this I imagine a decent spyglass might let you glimpse as far as the rooftops of German Towne and Philadelphia itself,” he said loudly enough Marion heard. “What a spectacular day!” He raised his arms above his head a moment like an athlete warming up for competition and then clapped his hands together.

He smiled. A conventionally handsome man with a good jawline and a strong chin, his golden hair never fell into his eyes and his shirt and trousers always remained clean no matter what activity dirtied him. He took a moment to tie on his apron. The apron was a stark contrast to his perfect shirt and pants.
Marion shuddered at the colorful stains marring its fabric. Here a dark brown smudge, there a spray of rust-colored drops, there still more marks of a red so deep it put the bricks of Philadelphia’s finest to shame. It appeared the apron had rested in a puddle of whatever that stuff was, it was so prevalent. 

…To read more, go to Hope, Love, and Happy Endings on November 15th!

Giveaway 1
Shannon has offered some signed swag to two lucky winners!
Giveaway ends November 18th
Use the Rafflecopter below to enter
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway 2
The first 17 people who comment on this post and also sends Shannon proof of a Weather Witch pre-order (send proof to: info [AT] shannondelany [DOT] com) will win a personalized gift pack that includes: 
-A personalized, limited edition chapbook including the Weather Witch Prologue and part of Chapter 1
-Signed 13 to Life postcards
-Additional assorted swag from other great authors Shannon adores
-Surprise Weather Witch-inspired treats to brighten your day.