Monday, April 09, 2018

Diverse Books Out March 2018

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March has been a not-so-great month for me so I delayed doing this post by a week (usually done on first Sunday of new month) but I DIDN’T FORGET. So, welcome to the March 2018 roundup of diverse releases. As previously mentioned, these roundups focus on YA and MG books because that’s what is easiest to keep track of for me. If I miss a book, or include one that shouldn’t be on here, let me know!!!


Any of these on your TBR? What are you most looking forward to diving into??

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Rashika has been tired since 2013. There are very few things that spark joy for her besides a nice cup of tea, warm, baked goods, good books and good TV shows. She is here to pile onto your giant TBRs and to-watch lists. Offer her a cookie and she might be nice to you.

4 Responses to “Diverse Books Out March 2018”

  1. Sam@WLABB

    I read Astonishing Color of After, Science of Breakable Things, and Emergency Contact. I really enjoyed them all. My library loan for Restore Me just came through, so that was awesome news today, but I am still waiting on The Poet X and The Place Between Breaths, both of which look awesome.