Posts Tagged: List

Monday, April 09, 2018

Diverse Books Out March 2018

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March has been a not-so-great month for me so I delayed doing this post by a week (usually done on first Sunday of new month) but I DIDN’T FORGET. So, welcome to the March 2018 roundup of diverse releases. As previously mentioned, these roundups focus on YA and MG books because that’s what is easiest to keep track of for me. If I miss a book, or include one that shouldn’t be on here, let me know!!!


Any of these on your TBR? What are you most looking forward to diving into??

11 Hate-To-Love Romances We Deserve

Posted by on 03/29/2018 • 2 Comments

I am self-certified garbage for hate to love romances and any book that promises even a hint of one usually gets a spot high on my enormous TBR. This post compiles some of my favs but is by no means comprehensive because honestly, I’ve read too much to be able to keep track of everything. EVEN THOUGH I TRY.

1. The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is You by Lily Anderson

Retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, a classic love/hate romance but maybe even better? The angst is beautiful. Don’t @ me.

2. Act Like It by Lucy Parker

Read it upon a friend’s recommendation who promised to disown me if I hated it and lucky for her, I didn’t. The hero is a total grump.

3. Married by Morning…

7 Books Out 2017 That I Still Need To Read

Posted by on 09/20/2017 • 9 Comments

I am the self-proclaimed queen of lists (fight me) but since I started school, I haven’t had much time to be creative and come up with fun book-ish lists. I’ve also been staring at my TBR pile with guilt because so many amazing books have already come out in the year 2017 that I haven’t read it and I need to get ON TOP OF MY SHIT. SO. This list is an ode to those books. I’ll read them someday, y’all.

1. The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian

Honestly, this book has such a gorgeous cover and I am here for it. I NEED TO READ MY COPY, FFS *shakes fist at self*

2. The First Rule of Punk by Celia C. Pérez

I didn’t know about The First Rule of Punk…

SDCC Blues: A Reading List + A Panel

Posted by on 07/24/2017 • 2 Comments

For the past week, I’ve mostly been hiding from the internet because SDCC was happening and I was envious (and glad) for all the people who got to attend. SDCC is now over but hey, if you’re feeling those post-SDCC blues (or envy in my case) I am bringing to you a recording of one of the most exciting panels that happened at the con plus a reading list of books that feature cons!

A Panel: YA AUTHORS MEET DC SUPERHEROES  A Reading List: 5 Books to Read Featuring Cons

1. Geekerella by Ashley Poston

This book is literally the movie A Cinderella Story but at a con and much more geekier. 100/10 would recommend for the nerdy, feel-good feels.

2. Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

The super diverse and…