Posted by Rashika • 16 Comments

2017 has been a YEAR, amirite? I’ve been struggling to figure out what I want to do for my last post of the year because I don’t know if I just wanted to talk about the best books I’ve read this year (although I will do some of that!) Instead, I am doing a round up of my year personally and in books!
-Watched Twilight 5 times (I am really trying to make it 6 before the year ends) Update: ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN
-Graduated 2 terms early from college with latin honors
-Adulted this summer (lived away from home and college, fed myself, paid bills, etc)
-Baked a FUCK TON. It was basically a coping mechanism but hey, I baked a tart for the very first time and am pretty proud of it.
-Successfully TAed a Children’s Lit class.
-Worked in a library for the first half of the year!!!!!
-Survived 2017? It’s been a rough year both personally and politically and I am glad I am still alive? Also special shout out to Unicorn Butts for their contributions to my sanity!

-I am getting back in the hang of commenting. I do slack sometimes but am so so glad I am easing myself back into the hang of commenting because I LOVE IT! I love discovering new blogs and I love commenting on other people’s posts. I’ve been a lurker for the past year and a half because I’ve been so exhausted that even if I do read peoples post’s, I just haven’t had the energy to do much.
-I experimented with review styles! I stepped outside of my regular review style and tried new things. I made some book aesthetics (which I’ve never done before)I had a lot of fun doing that and it allowed me to express my feelings in new and creative ways.
-I seriously got into #bookstagram. I’ve been playing around it for a long time and I guess my issue has always been lack of time and motivation. I enjoy bookstagram because I LOVE editing my photos. I love taking an okay pic and making it look much much better. It’s satisfying and gives me another creative outlet?
-I got to meet a LOT of my online friends this year (many of whom I met through this community.) I am so lucky I got to spend so much time with so many of my buds and am grateful for it. One of them even came and spend 2 weeks with me. I even made some new friends this year???? I KNOW. ITS AMAZING. I like meeting new people but I am also really awkward and overthink all my interactions *shrugs*
-I read more books than I did last year!!!!!!! I am still trying to fit two more in before the year ends so, I won’t update this part of the post with the final number until after I’ve accomplished it.
-I re-read a lot of old favs. Honestly, if you’d asked me even at the beginning of the year if I would be doing any re-reading, I would have laughed since I’ve never been the sort of person to re-read an entire book. But I did it and I read a lot of books for the first time in 4-5 years!!!! It was an amazing experience and made me nostalgic. I also had to re-read some for school but those don’t count.
-I REALLY got into picture books this year. Honestly, when I first started reading picture books again, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was doing but this year, some picture books I read ended up on my favs list, made me emotional and taught me life lessons.
-I’ve officially read over 1806 books in my lifetime?? Isn’t that wild??
-Keep on commenting more actively in the upcoming year!
-I really really REALLY want to make it to grad school and hope I don’t jinx my chances by talking about how much I want to go to grad school.
-Keep up with Bookstagram. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep this goal, to be entirely honest. December was the first month where I posted everyday and it’s HARD. I don’t know how people keep it up for long periods of time. Nevertheless, I am going to try.
-Obviously, keep blogging. I have a lot of ideas in my blogging notebook so I am going to work on those and KEEP IT THE FUCK UP.
-I am going to finish some sequels and series in 2018. DON’T @ ME. I have a plan in the works with my buds.
-Reach out to some old blogger buds to see what they’ve been up to? I am about to hit 5 years. I’ve been blogging for a quarter of my life and have come to age alongside the blogosphere. I’ve made so many friends along the way, many of whom no longer even blog anymore. I miss them and really want to check in on them!
-Read more books?
-Cross-post my reviews. I’ve been SO BAD at doing that this year. I am trying to catch up but hopefully, I’ll be much more consistent in 2018 with the cross-posting.
-Try to survive 2018?? It’s probably gonna be a wild roller-coaster ride anyway but I really really hope it won’t be as emotionally trying as 2017 was.
**Note, I am going to be doing a more thorough round up in the new year with categories and stuff. In the meantime, here are my top reads as I’ve shelved them. Click the pic for GR links**
It’s fitting that my shortest book of the year was a Melina Machetta book because I am hoping to make my first book of 2018 a Melina Marchetta one as well. Last Sacrifice was a re-read because I re-read the entire Vampire Academy series since I missed my favs.

I checked my stats from previous years and this is the first time ever it’s been this high? I’ve had Goodreads since 2012 and this is the first year my average rating has even been close to a 4. I am guessing its slightly skewed because of all the re-reads but 3.9 is NOT bad at all. I did only give 10 of those books 5 stars though (one of the books in the above section only has a 4 star rating) so I am still not dishing out those 5 stars, guys 😉

My Goodreads’ goal was to read 1 book and I read 230 like the amazing genius I am. I WIN I WIN I WIN.