Sunday, February 26, 2012

In My Mailbox (24)

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“In My Mailbox” is a meme, created by Kristi at The Story Siren, that features books I have

received/ purchased/ borrowed during the week. 

I hope everyone had a fabulous week because this week was my BIRTHDAY! Yay! We went out today to celebrate with steak an lobster. It was delicious! I didn’t actually buy any books this week but I did receive a few review copies that can count for birthday gifts, right!? I also got a cake, I left it on the coffee table and my toddler found it this morning. He was quiet for a few minutes, so I came to see what he was up to and he was stuffed full of chocolate. Then I sent him off to his grandparent’s. Teehee.

This week at Xpresso Reads was zombilicious. Make sure you haven’t missed any zombie fun by clicking here.  I also posted a massive cover reveal –here– with some lovely new pretties. And I scheduled a new tour for Someone Else’s Life. I already had a copy for review so I was happy to be asked to take part of the tour as well. Oh, and I’ve still got 5 open giveaways, don’t forget to enter (found on sidebar), as a couple of them are ending soon!

Let’s see what I got for review this week:

 A huge thank you to Thomas Nelson, Tabitha Vale, J. Meyers, Macmillan Publishers, Nikki Jefford, JL Bryan and Penguin Canada for the review copies.

 What’s in your mailbox this week?
Link me up!
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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

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85 Responses to “In My Mailbox (24)”

  1. Shellie

    OoOo great mailbox. I have Angel Eyes & Dark Eyes as well. Can’t wait for your reviews on Struck & Before You Go…and well…all the other ones =) HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!

  2. Nick

    Happy Belated Birthday Giselle 🙂
    Hope you had a wonderful day!
    Aww ,your son is so adorable.

    Great mailbox. I cannot wait to read Auracle !

    Hope you have a great week!

    Nick @ Nick’s Book Blog

  3. Lexie

    Awesome, awesome mailbox! 😀 I really, really love the sound of Angel Eyes and Auracle (and Auracle’s cover is absolutely stunning and creepy). I’ve heard some mixed things about Dark Eyes and Struck, so I’m interested to see what you think. 🙂

    Also . . .

    -gives party hat-
    -and cake-

    P.S. I still cannot get that thing out of my head. I will have nightmares tonight. Thank you VERY MUCH.

  4. Renae

    Happy Birthday!

    I am so jealous that you have Struck and Auracle! I really want to read those!

    I did my first ever IMM this week! YAY! Click here, to have a look. xD

  5. Sam

    Hope you had a great birthday! You got some really great book there – I can’t wait to see what you think of Auracle. 🙂

  6. KTJ

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (belated… but it still counts!)
    I hope that you had a fantastic birthday, sounds like you did! (minus cake stealing toddler, but I say yay for him haha)

    You got some fantastic books this week!
    Auracle sounds amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on it! Same goes with Dark Eyes and Struck! I haven’t heard of the others, but will have to look them up!

    Happy Reading!
    My IMM

  7. Amy

    How did I miss that it was your birthday?!! Happy belated birthday hon!! Great mailbox. Auracle, Struck, and Before You Go all look really good. I have Fairy Metal Thunder, but haven’t read it. I bought it 2 months ago on my nook. Hope you had a fabulous birthday week!!
    My IMM

  8. Rebecca (Kindle Fever)

    Happy belated birthday! \o/ *throws confetti*

    You definitely got some awesome looking books! Angel Eyes, Auracle, Dark Eyes, Struck and Before You Go… Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them. 😀

  9. Suzanne

    Oh some good books there. I got Intangible too. Can’t wait to read it, it sounds really good. I requested Before you Go from Netgalley, haven’t heard anything yet. Hope I get it

  10. Chapter by Chapter

    Awesome books this week! I’m so excited to read Auracle! I’m in the Angel Eyes tour too! yay 😀 I also cannot wait to read Before You Go! Lots of great reading hours ahead for you! Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a fantastic Birthday <3

  11. Jessirae

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Giselle! Happy Birthday to YOOOU! lol <3 (Happy Belated that is lol)

    You got a wonderful mailbox! I soo love it. I’m jealous of Struck and Auracle the most. They sound amazing! I hope you love all the books you got and I hope you had a fantastic birthday! <3 🙂 Happy reading!

    My IMM

  12. K R Weinert

    Happy – belated – Birthday! Lol, sending a cake fuelled toddler to the grandparents, classic 🙂
    lovely stack of books; like the look of Venus City and Intangible.

    My IMM’s teeny this week, am trying to get myself on top of the TBR, x

    YA’s the Word

  13. Lea

    Awesome books this week Giselle– and Happy belated Birthday!! Ahh I really want to read Struck, and I do have Auracle so def looking forward to reading that. Love the cover on Entangled, that is so pretty!

    Hope you enjoy everything you got in this week! You can check out my IMM for this week by clicking on the link below 🙂

    Lea @ LC’s Adventures in Libraryland

  14. Candace

    Lots of pretty covers! I think I got offered a couple of those for review but haven’t responded yet.
    Cant wait to see what you think of Struck!
    Happy Birthday!

  15. Elodie

    I love the cover of Entangled !! Looking forward to know what you think of it ..
    I can’t wait to read Struck !!
    Happy reading Giselle and happy belated birthday !!

  16. Mimi Valentine

    Oh my gosh, I had no clue that it was your birthday, Giselle — HAPPY BELATED AMAZING B-DAY! <3 I'm so sorry that I missed it, but I'm really happy that you had a blast! Steak and lobster and cake all add up to an awesome dinner. 😉 Plus, you're so lucky that you have Auracle and Fairy Metal Thunder was so much fun — I really hope you like them!

    Amazing mailbox this week, Giselle! I can’t wait to read your reviews for each! 🙂 <3