Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Review: Zombies vs Unicorns – Inoculata & Cold Hands

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Zombies vs Unicorns
Multiple authors (anthology)
Release date: September 21st, 2010
by Margaret K. McElderry

Goodreads / Purchase

It’s a question as old as time itself: which is better, the zombie or the unicorn? In this anthology, edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier (unicorn and zombie, respectively), strong arguments are made for both sides in the form of short stories. Half of the stories portray the strengths–for good and evil–of unicorns and half show the good (and really, really bad-ass) side of zombies. Contributors include many bestselling teen authors, including Cassandra Clare, Libba Bray, Maureen Johnson, Meg Cabot, Scott Westerfeld, and Margo Lanagan. This anthology will have everyone asking: Team Zombie or Team Unicorn?

*This review is part of Zombies vs Unicorns month co-hosted with Literary Exploration, YA-Aholic and YA Bookmark*

Review of Inoculata by Scott Westerfeld & Cold Hands by Cassandra Clare

From Uglies and Mortal Instruments… to zombies! Seems like everyone is converting to zombies! I don’t blame them, team zombie really is where it’s at!

Scott Westerfeld and Cassandra Clare’s stories have something in common, and that something is also what was discussed in Lia Habel’s guest post last week – they both make it clear that zombies are not dumb! From George Romero’s slow, sluggish, mindless flesh-eaters, to the 28 Days Later or Zombieland zombies who are capable of intelligent thoughts, are fast and self-aware. Yep, zombies have evolved. They can even become boyfriend material – although that still raises eyebrows if you really think about it. The point is : zombies are underestimated. Scott and Cassandra have both brought up this evolution in their stories. One considers that zombies are simply bored, while the other has them living amongst humans like old friends who smell. 

Zombie evolution

As my first venture into this book of zombies and unicorns anthologies, I was satisfied and amused. I picked both of these first because I have a fondness of their previous work and found myself super curious how they would write zombies. I found the Scott story pretty entertaining – I even wished it was novel-length. It definitely has a really intriguing concept. As for the Cassandra story, it was passable. It felt very weak as far as the zombie “world-building”. I could think of quite a few plot holes behind the zombie existence. Regardless, it was still light and fun.

4 Hot Espressos

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Canadian blogger, wife, mother, coffee lover, and sarcastic at heart! She has had a love for all things bookish since before Amazon and eReaders existed *le gasp*. You can also find her organizing tours and other fun things at Xpresso Book Tours.

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29 Responses to “Review: Zombies vs Unicorns – Inoculata & Cold Hands”

  1. Amy

    I really liked Scott Westerfield’s story too. Zombies vs Unicorns is such an awesome book. I really like anthologies because you can just read a story here and there and not commit to a whole book.

  2. Rebecca

    I’m glad to read that you dad so much fun with this. I am loving reading the all the Zombies vs. Unicorns post it has been awesome!!! Y’all rock:)

  3. Giselle

    @Amy: That’s why I like it so much you just read a story and forget about it until you want to read more!

    @Rebecca: Thanks I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I have lots more fun posts planned for next week! 😀

    @Wendy: You should def. try this, I mean. Zombies and unicorns!!!

  4. Jenny

    Anthologies are usually hard for me to read because like you mentioned with Scott’s story, I so often want the stories to be novel length! I always reach the last page far too soon:( It’s fun to get little tastes of different authors though.

  5. Jackie's Little World

    Thanks for stopping by over at my zombie post 🙂 I’ve been loving the Zombies v. Unicorns month you guys are doing. I’m pretty much obsessed with all things zombie, so keep them coming!! I don’t really think the unicorns stand a fair chance… 😉

  6. Heather

    That does sounds like fun! Though I’m thinking the author hasn’t read Rampant, cause wow, that book really made me rethink unicorns. *shivers*

  7. Sam

    Team Zombie IS where it’s at! 😉 Great post. And me, I have no problems with zombies becoming boyfriend-material. 😀

  8. Lexie

    Gah! I need to read this anthology. o_o I really, really do. I mean, even if you completely ignore all the fabulous authors who contributed stories to it . . . I think the cover and title alone would be enough.

    I love the idea of zombies living amongst humans like normal people. Whose story was that one?

  9. Candace

    I really need to read more of this book. I remember when I got it I read a couple of the stories but I don’t remember which ones. I’ll have to pick it up and read more. Scott Westerfeld seems to be very creative and talented with his world building so I can imagine his is quite good.

  10. Mary @ BookSwarm

    I’m definitely a team Zombie girl. Unicorns are a little creepy–only liking virgins, so “pure”…just something wrong with that. I really need to read this anthology!

  11. Traci @ The Reading Geek

    Great review Giselle! I have been meaning to pick up this anthology for some time now and seeing all the posts lately for Zombies vs Unicorns is reminding me that I must get it soon! Scott Westerfield and Cassandra Clare are two of my favorite authors. I love to hear that the zombies in their stories are not dumb.

  12. Giselle

    Thanks guys!

    @Book Sake & @ Traci: I’m actually not a big fan of anthologies but this one has some great authors so I wanted to give it a short even before we planned this event! I think you’d both like it!

    @Candace: I love Scott’s Uglies series he’s really a great talented writer! I hope he write a full length zombie book next he could be good at it!

    @Mary: Bahaha you’re so right! >.<

  13. FABR Steph

    I wanted to buy this one just for the cover. Underneath the outer lining is more to be seen. Wow.
    It sounds like it would be something that I would like. I would like to try out more anthologies. Thanks for your review.
    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews

  14. Jen

    Great review, Giselle! AND by the way, the team zombie banner scared the bejeesus outta me when I scrolled down to it; eep!

  15. Jen

    Great review, Giselle! AND by the way, the team zombie banner scared the bejeesus outta me when I scrolled down to it; eep!

  16. Elodie

    I’m glad you enjoyed Scott W story .. It’s too bad Cassandra Clare’s wasn’t good though. I love the Mortal Instruments series and I would have been really curious to read her short story but if it’s not any good,I’ll pass! Thanks for the great review Giselle 😉

  17. Mimi Valentine

    Oooooohhh, I read and absolutely ADORED this book too! And that’s coming from a girl that doesn’t really read anthologies! 😉 It was definitely a light & fun read — I think my favourite part was the Team Zombie and Team Unicorn banter between each story! So much fun! x)

    Love your review, Giselle! <3 I think that Cassie Clare's was one of my favourites, and Scott's story was a blast to read too! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed this like I did!