Jus Accardo
Series: Denazen, #1.5
Release date: March 28th, 2012
by Entangled Publishing
Until he met Dez, Kale’s days were filled with violence and death. He was used as a weapon of destruction by the power hungry men of Denazen. He’s a Six. A person with an abnormal ability. Some people call them gifts, but not Kale. Kale’s touch means instant death.
But now there’s Dez, the girl he can touch, and they’re hunting down Sixes and warning them about Denazen. Kale is learning about the world outside captivity and trying to put his dark past behind him. But they underestimated how badly Denazen wanted him back.
When Dez sacrifices herself to save the new Six they’d rescued from falling into the corp’s hands, Kale is lost. Denazen has brought out its best to get the job done. Samsen, a nightmare from Kale’s past—the only person he’s ever truly feared—has come for them, and it soon becomes obvious he has his own twisted agenda.
Kale will need all his training to get Dez back and ensure they make it out, free—and alive. But will it be enough?
Want to know what I thought of Touch?
Click here for my review!
Interview with Jus Accardo
He’s not based on anyone I know. Kale is all Kale 😉
I started with the opening scene (originally right where Dez and Kale met). I had two character personalities burned into my brain. An adrenalin junkie who had a volatile relationship with their father. And a lifelong prisoner, used as a weapon and completely ignorant to things in the outside world.
There wasn’t much more planning that went into creating him other than that. He wasn’t there one minute, then poof. There he was, along with Dez. A lot like the book in general. One second I was sitting there wondering what to work on next, the next I had this awesome jumping point that just exploded right from sentence one.
Q. How was it to switch to his point-of-view for Untouched; was it hard to write from a Male’s perspective?
Writing from a guy’s POV wasn’t hard for me—but writing from Kale’s proved to be a little tricky. Untouched went through a lot of drafts before I really felt I’d gotten it right. It’s very natural to me to write the snarky, jaded, sarcastic character. But someone who sees the world like Kale? That was an adjustment. He doesn’t use slang—doesn’t really understand it, doesn’t lie or see the purpose in it, and even the simplest things are amazing to him. It was so much fun, though. There’s a purity in how he sees most of the world. It was an awesome chance for me to do something so different.
Q. What goes into building a world with so much mystery and paranormal elements?
This is a hard one for me to answer because this world developed over such a long time. The Denazen universe was something that was first born when I was nineteen. I wrote three books and seven short stories revolving around this world and the Sixes (though not called Sixes at the time). Granted they will never see the light of day, but they did bring me deeper into the universe. I got to know every corner, every rock…
So, to me, this is like home. I know it so well. From the trees lining the employee parking lot of the Denazen building, to the main drag where the Blueberry Bean sits. It’s all so clear in my mind.
I think the most helpful aspect of world building is spending time in your world…
Q. We’re all dying for Toxic, can you give us a hint on what we can expect that’s not already on the blurb? (Pretty please)
Well… We’re going to learn more about Dax. He’s not at all who Dez thought he was. I’m not telling if that’s good or bad 😉
It kinda goes without saying IMO, but I’ve seen people debating so I’ll clear up that, yes, we will be seeing Alex again—which should make a few of you very happy 😉 His feelings for Dez are still there—as are her lack of feelings for him.
We’ll also meet two of my favorite new Sixes. Aubrey and Able. Goth twins who work for Cross and give new, creepy meaning to the term yin and yang.
Q. What’s on your reading list this summer?
OMG. There’s so many awesome things coming out!
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Inbetween by Tara Fuller
Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready
Onyx by Jennifer Armentrout
Before I wake Rachel Vincent
Flawed by Kate Avelynn
Seriously…I could go on and on… And on and on and on and… You get the point.
Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch, is available now from Entangled Publishing. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

Entangled Publishing has generously offered once copy of either Untouched or Touch to one lucky winner.
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Giveaway ends April 28th
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Great interview. I read Touch just last week and I LOVED IT. I cannot wait until Toxic and I reallllllly want Untouched.
Great interview. I love her answer on the summer reading list question!
Thanks for the great giveaway! It’s awesome 🙂
Suzanne @ Paranormal Book Fan
Great interview Janelle and Jus. I am reading Untouched at the moment. I am taking part in the Quotable Quotes feature in the next few days so feel free to stop by my blog and check it out.
Awesome interview! I have to say I am a total fail and have not read Touch yet. I bought it and it’s on my TBR list and I really am trying to get to it. I even bought Untouched to try to make myself get to it quicker. As you know though right now I reading the As the World Dies series, so that’s pretty important lol!!
I’ve read so many great reviews about her books!
Thanks a lot for the giveaway and for the interview.
I LOVED Kale in touch. He was so vulnerable and sweet, despite what he can do with a touch. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Jennifer Messerschmidt
I’ve been dying to read these books. Amazing she has been working on the world building for so long. Also great reading list! I am looking forward to most of those books as well. Thanks!
Jackie's Little World
Yay! I’ve been wanting to start this series! Great interview and thanks for the giveaway 😀
I’ve been meaning to read this series. I love the covers and the concept sounds excellent!
Sally@Always Lost in Stories
Great interview. I have had Touch on my wishlist for ages, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Great interview, I love Touch and I can’t wait to read the rest.
Great interview. I love Jus Accardo. Thanks!
*SQUEE* I adore Kale. ADORE. And thanks for the awesome interview 🙂 It’s always fun to get a glimpse into authors minds!
-Jac @ For Love and Books
Seriously, Touch simply blew me away! I was so surprised so love it that much!!! I soooo wanna read Untouched :)) Lovely Interview:)
I love this muchly! I’ve been meaning to read Touch since the first reviews started pouring in, but somehow I just never got around to it. This must be rectified.
the Vintage Bookworm
Great interview! I’ve seen these books around, but never really looked into them. I definitely will be now!
Savannah Valdez
Great interview! Super excited to read the next book!
Sophia Rose
That was a very good interview. I enjoyed learning about the characters and the upcoming book.
Thanks for the post and for the giveaway opportunity.
Great interview Giselle. I can’t wait to start this series! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂
Wow, great interview! I imagine the challenge that would suppose writing Kale’s POV. He’s so sweet and innocent! But it must have been fun, too. I’m so excited to read both Untouched and Toxic 🙂
Maja (The Nocturnal Library)
I must be the only person left on the planet who hasn’t started this series yet. I feel so left out! I really have to do something about it as soon as possible.
Great interview.
Thanks for a fun interview and giveaway! This is the first I”ve heard about these books and they sound awesome 🙂
Christy D
Awesome interview! I haven’t read Touch yet, but it’s been on my TBR for awhile. One day…
Mimi Valentine
I’m not even exaggerating when I say that this series seems to be everywhere, and I still can’t believe I haven’t picked it up yet! Not only does it have a super-cool premise, but it’s published by Entangled too, and they always have the most originally awesome books! 😉 Plus, Jus and I are waiting on so many of the same books (Insurgent! Before I Wake! Shine! Onyx! Inbetween!) that it must mean we have the same taste!
Awesome interview, you two! 🙂 <3
Sharon ObsessionwithBooks
Thank-you kindly for the wonderful interview and giveaway; I absolutely LOVED Touch so am eager to read Untouched x
Sophia Rose
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