Posts Tagged: Frozen

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Non-Fic Recommendation Based on YA Fiction Favs

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I read mostly fiction but the ‘older’ I grow the more I find my reading tastes shifting. Over the past year, I’ve gone from never reading non fiction books to actually, actively seeking them out. I am still primarily a YA reader though so today, I decided to combine these two vastly different areas of the market and do a little recommendation post based on fav YA books!

If you like:


Review: Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz

Review: Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz

Posted by on 08/27/2013 • 34 Comments

I haven’t read a book I could describe as truly terrible in a long time. I was surprised at every turn of a page that I was still reading it. I’m not really sure why I kept reading. A fruitless hope that it would suddenly turn into a good book? Or catch fire? Either way, this book has taken hours of my life I will never get back! ROBBERY! This is a book that, if read drunk… would still be terrible. Beer goggles can never be thick enough – well I guess once it blurs the words so much you have to make up your own…

Ok moving on.

How did I go about hating this book so much? Mostly the fact that this whole world is filled with nonsense…