Search Results for: book girls don't cry

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Book Girls Don’t Cry… They Angst About How to Arrange Their Bookshelves

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If you identify as a bookworm, it is likely that you at least own a couple books. If you own a couple books, you’ve probably spend at least a little time wondering how you should arrange them. Author’s last name? Rainbows? Sizes? So many options. What it comes down to is

aesthetic vs convenience

Some people are fine arranging their books in color because they are really familiar with the color on the spines of the books they own. I am not that person. It takes me 5 mins to find a book when my shelves are in color vs the handful of seconds it takes me when they are arranged by authors last name. But, both ways have their pros and cons and I think it just comes down to personal choice/taste.

The Rainbow


Look at those shelves I found on the internet, THEY ARE PRETTY. But aside from being pretty, they can also be pretty handy for #bookstagram? Not just because you can take pretty #shelfies but also because it’s much easier to plan for photos when you can see the color combos you are working with. Of course, this pro is really only a pro for a certain group of people and not everyone is going to think about bookstagram when they are thinking about arranging their shelves in color. And let us not undermine the value of pretty bookshelves because I think that a pleasing aesthetic can help create creative spaces where you feel inspired and want to do ~more~.

Authors Last Name

Now, I can wholly attest that authors last name shelves look nowhere as pretty as rainbow shelves and yet there is still value to them. When you arrange books in rainbow, you have at least some control over the sizes and the order they go in but if you’re looking to do your books by author’s last name, those books are going to be all sizes and in random color orders. But it can still be satisfying! Nothing bothers me more than when books that are part of a series aren’t together and I hate having to dig around to find them. Having my books arranged by author’s last name also lets me enhance my wishlist by seeing what books I need to fill gaps in my book collection. If I own the first book in a series, then I can see that I might need the next two so they can all be together and happy. It’s all a very nice way to make that to-buy list even bigger than it already is. I mean, I do need ALLL THE BOOKS. Right? Who knows.


Anyway… which way do you prefer to arrange your shelves? Is there a superior method? Give me all the answers.

Book Girls Don’t Cry: No, I Don’t Know What You Should Read!

Book Girls Don’t Cry: No, I Don’t Know What You Should Read!

Posted by on 09/24/2014 • 37 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.


Readers Against Recommendations!

I am not a fan of recommending books to others – strangers especially! I know, it should come with being an avid reader, and especially a blogger, but I hate it. Don’t get me wrong. I love giving my opinion on books I have read. I love telling everyone to read this book I just read and loved. I even love back and forth “hey you should read this” chats with other bloggers – which happen on Twitter regularly. But that’s not what I mean. I mean in the cases where I’m asked to select books for others to…

Book Girls Don’t Cry… But They Do Have Potty Mouths!

Book Girls Don’t Cry… But They Do Have Potty Mouths!

Posted by on 08/25/2014 • 10 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.

Hey guys! This time around Stella and I got together to chat about swearing in novels. We talk about all sorts, from when there is “too much” to the dreaded made up versions that you sometimes find. Watch and weigh in with what you think about some good ol’ bad words when you read.


How do you feel about bad words in novels? We’re looking for topic suggestions for future BGDC posts! What would YOU like to discuss (can be anything from vents to advice)? Leave a topic suggestion via this form!

Book Girls Don’t Cry… Or Like All of the MC’s

Book Girls Don’t Cry… Or Like All of the MC’s

Posted by on 07/23/2014 • 14 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.

We are back with yet another collaboration between myself and the lovely Stella from It’s Too Late To Apologize.  This time around we are talking about unlikeable characters in books.  I was reading a book recently and was talking to Stella about how much I hated the MC and how much I was loving the book overall and she was pretty floored by that whole concept so we had to vlog about it! Hope you enjoy!


Can you get down with a book even if you don’t like the main character? We’re looking for topic suggestions for future BGDC posts! What would…

Book Girls Don’t Cry… Or Go To BEA

Book Girls Don’t Cry… Or Go To BEA

Posted by on 05/28/2014 • 29 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.

It’s finally the week of BEA and after watching everyone who is going get themselves pumped up for the last month or so I am now watching while they are all on their way to New York. I know my co-blogger, Giselle, left just yesterday morning and made the long drive down. As someone who is deathly afraid of flying and doesn’t enjoy travelling I am so thankful for social media so that I can live vicariously through all of my friends. Also, it’s great that Giselle is going because she has strict orders to grab a few of my must-haves for me.

Book Girls Don’t Cry… They Go See Divergent!

Book Girls Don’t Cry… They Go See Divergent!

Posted by on 04/30/2014 • 17 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.

Hello there!  A few weekends ago Stella (It’s Too Late To Apologize) and I ventured out of our reading caves to go and see the Divergent movie.  Once it ended we went back to her place and filmed a joint review of it. Now, what is a little unique about this vlog review is that Stella has read the Divergent series and I haven’t read any of the books.  You get the perspectives from each camp and see how it worked without having read the book.  It ran a bit long because we had a lot to say but please let us know…

Book Girls Don’t Cry: A Day of Reading and Things

Book Girls Don’t Cry: A Day of Reading and Things

Posted by on 04/24/2014 • 22 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.


A Day in the Life of Yours Truly

What is it like to be me? Since my life is super duper interesting I thought I’d make this week’s BGDC a bit more personal and give you a sneak peek into my daily life.

Starting usually around 7-8am, I’m awoken by a little 3 year old devil who doesn’t understand the concept of quiet mornings. Then after an hour of coaxing him to eat, get dressed, put his boots and coat on, then pick 10 toys until he decides which one to bring to daycare, I’m left all by my lonesome for a…

Book Girls Don’t Cry… or Fall For All The Romance

Book Girls Don’t Cry… or Fall For All The Romance

Posted by on 04/07/2014 • 28 Comments

Book Girls Don’t Cry is a feature where we will discuss/vent/advise on a bookish topic. This feature is co-hosted with the lovely Amy at Book Loving Mom.

Okay, so this is just starting to be far too much fun.  I got together with Stella (It’s Too Late To Apologize) again recently and we decided to talk about romance in novels.  No, not about the romance genre, but more so romance within books of multiple genres.  We ended up rambling about NA (could the people in these books get any more dysfunctional?), Insta-Love and even went into some erotica talk.  I hope you guys enjoy!

For those who don’t like to or can’t watch the video, here is a rundown of some of the points touched upon:

New Adult romances seem…