Posts Categorized: Discussion

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Rashika’s Meet Cute

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Rashika’s Meet CuteMeet Cute: Some People Are Destined to Meet Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on January 2nd, 2017
Genres: Anthology, Romance, YA
Buy on Amazon

Whether or not you believe in fate, or luck, or love at first sight, every romance has to start somewhere. MEET CUTE is an anthology of original short stories featuring tales of "how they first met" from some of today’s most popular YA authors.

Readers will experience Nina LaCour's beautifully written piece about two Bay Area girls meeting via a cranky customer service Tweet, Sara Shepard's glossy tale about a magazine intern and a young rock star, Nicola Yoon's imaginative take on break-ups and make-ups, Katie Cotugno's story of two teens hiding out from the police at a house party, and Huntley Fitzpatrick's charming love story that begins over iced teas at a diner. There’s futuristic flirting from Kass Morgan and Katharine McGee, a riveting transgender heroine from Meredith Russo, a subway missed connection moment from Jocelyn Davies, and a girl determined to get out of her small town from Ibi Zoboi. Jennifer Armentrout writes a sweet story about finding love from a missing library book, Emery Lord has a heartwarming and funny tale of two girls stuck in an airport, Dhonielle Clayton takes a thoughtful, speculate approach to pre-destined love, and Julie Murphy dreams up a fun twist on reality dating show contestants.

This incredibly talented group of authors brings us a collection of stories that are at turns romantic and witty, epic and everyday, heartbreaking and real.

Meet Cute is an adorable anthology of stories I felt were personally written for me. I didn’t actually know the book was coming out until like mid-way through last year. That in itself isn’t entirely odd in of itself but like for a book that just screams RASHIKA, clearly, I should have known about it. Shout out to my friend Holly who saw the book at ALA in June and thought of me even when I didn’t know Meet Cute was a book I needed.

I digress though. I don’t really want to review this anthology. I can wholeheartedly say it was worth the read and that I didn’t dislike any of the stories. There were maybe 2-3 that didn’t do much for me but even then, I did not dislike the stories. This is an anthology packed with stories written by amazing authors and for that reason alone, it should be worth the buy/read.

What I DO want to do is share one of ~my~ many meet cute stories. Also just as an FYI, I personally don’t feel a meet cute has to be romantic or even has to go anywhere? There is just a certain thrill to meeting new people in fun ways and that is where I stand.



Winter Break 2014

I was fresh out of my first term in college but unable to go home for the winter break for a multitude of reasons. Instead I spend that winter hopping between the homes of friends and living out of a suitcase for 5 weeks.

After having spent 2 weeks in the homes of two different friends, I was on my way to my final destination for my winter adventures. New York City. The Big Apple. What have you. It was going to be my first time in the city that never sleeps and I wasn’t even an adult yet. I was going to be taking the 20 hour train from Chicago to New York all by myself but first, I had a 5 hour layover and not much to do during those 5 hours.

If you’ve spend some time traveling, you will know that train stations are nothing like airports. Layovers are not nearly as interesting at train stations even in bigger cities. Food places start shutting down around 8:00 PM and there just isn’t much to do. No free wifi, no charging ports no nothing. Just you and your thoughts as you wait for boarding to begin. Trains, unlike airplanes, also don’t serve you meals which really sucks when you’re going to be on one for 20 hours. I decided I might as well feed myself before I boarded and get some snacks for the train ride. I found myself craving fries and the train station I was at just happened to have a McDonalds where I could grab some fries.

I am not sure how it happened but somehow, while I was waiting for my fries, I found myself talking to a complete stranger whose phone had just died. Maybe he approached me first or maybe I just saw he was panicking and decided to reach out to him since I had a portable charger. I knew traveling could be stressful and wouldn’t wish a dead phone and no way to contact your family when over 2000 miles away from home on anyway. We found ourselves walking back down to the lounge together and found out we were going to be taking the same train to the same destination.

I’ve now long forgotten the name of this once-friend but somewhere out there is a now-stranger who I shared a long train ride and many stories with. Who knew you could meet people at a McDonalds?

How do you define a meet cute? Have you had any meet cutes? 😉

Self-Care in 2018

Posted by on 01/08/2018 • 10 Comments

  New Year, New Me, right? 2017 was a rough year for me, personally and just on a larger political scale. I am really hoping 2017 will at least bring good things on a personal scale or at least won’t try to take me on an intense emotional coaster; however, I am not holding any high hopes for not experiencing high amounts of stress because the world is falling the fuck apart. I am not trying to be pessimistic though, I just know that even if good things happen, I ~will~ be stressed out and so since the year has only barely begun and I haven’t experienced any high amounts of stress yet, I thought I’d do a post centering around what ~I~ plan to do for self-care this…

Sequel Smashers: The One Where Rashika Takes On Sequels

Posted by on 01/05/2018 • 6 Comments

I have a problem. It’s called me picking up shiny new series and never reading sequels. It doesn’t matter if the sequel was the most anticipated thing or the least, I DON’T READ THEM. A quick browse through my Goodreads showed I have ~at least~ 100 sequels I have NOT read. This is not even including series where more books come out after the sequel I didn’t read. This year, I have decided enough is enough and decided to fix this problem; especially because I even BOUGHT a lot of my anticipated sequels and never read them. Basically, I seem to have a problem where I buy books I am looking forward to and then never read them? Last year, I focused on reading more backlist books and this year,…


Posted by on 12/31/2017 • 16 Comments

2017 has been a YEAR, amirite? I’ve been struggling to figure out what I want to do for my last post of the year because I don’t know if I just wanted to talk about the best books I’ve read this year (although I will do some of that!) Instead, I am doing a round up of my year personally and in books!

-Watched Twilight 5 times (I am really trying to make it 6 before the year ends) Update: ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN

-Graduated 2 terms early from college with latin honors

-Adulted this summer (lived away from home and college, fed myself, paid bills, etc)

-Baked a FUCK TON. It was basically a coping mechanism but hey, I baked a tart for the very first time and am…

Bookish Gifts for the Bookworm in Your Life

Posted by on 12/12/2017 • 2 Comments

Holidays are officially in season! I mean they’ve technically been in season for a while but… its all official now. Happy first day of Hannukah to those who celebrate! It’s last minute but today I am bringing you a list of bookish goodies to buy the bookworm in your life. I promise it’ll be more helpful than last year (but, okay, if anyone got me any of those things, I’d be a happy person.) A little last minute shopping never hurt anyone!

1. Puffin Classics

They are fairly inexpensive and come with jaw-dropping covers. Know a bookworm in your life who appreciates classics and gorgeous covers? Cannot go wrong with one of these:

2. Notebooks

There are lots of them out there and a bookworm will always cherish a bookish…

Bookish Confessions

Posted by on 12/10/2017 • 6 Comments

The new year is just around the corner and it’s gonna be a new year, new me (probably for like 5 seconds.) To aid my journey of reinventing myself for 2018, I thought I’d get some deep, dark, confessions off my chest. I hope you’ll still want to hang with me after learning about some of the horrifying things I’ve done but if not, I understand.


1. Like a regular person, I like to eat while I read but one time, while I was reading Breaking Dawn which I had borrowed from my review, I accidentally dropped the slice of pizza I was eating inside the book and never told my friend. She never said anything and didn’t disown me so I guess she never found out.


Book Girls Don’t Cry… They Angst About How to Arrange Their Bookshelves

Book Girls Don’t Cry… They Angst About How to Arrange Their Bookshelves

Posted by on 12/07/2017 • 14 Comments

If you identify as a bookworm, it is likely that you at least own a couple books. If you own a couple books, you’ve probably spend at least a little time wondering how you should arrange them. Author’s last name? Rainbows? Sizes? So many options. What it comes down to is

aesthetic vs convenience

Some people are fine arranging their books in color because they are really familiar with the color on the spines of the books they own. I am not that person. It takes me 5 mins to find a book when my shelves are in color vs the handful of seconds it takes me when they are arranged by authors last name. But, both ways have their pros and cons and I think it just comes down…

The Five Stages of a Book Slump

Posted by on 12/05/2017 • 12 Comments

I have a shameful secret. I’ve sorta of been in a book slump these past couple weeks. I am still reading but nothing really calls out to me and I’d honestly rather just watch TV than read a book. I wonder if its because I have a craving for a certain kind of book and cannot find something that fits the bill or if its just because I am extremely exhausted (emotionally & mentally) and don’t want to do anything anymore.

1. No book looks good.

You’ve tried starting five but have DNFed 10. Will a book ever look good again?

2. So you start watching TV.

You are now 6 seasons deep into a show you started 3 days ago, with no end in sight. Will this be over?…